Warner Bros. Gets A Boyfriend For My Wife, For Steve Carell

After announcing that he will leave The Office after one more season, Steve Carell is going “all-in” into movies. He is one of the most sought- after comedy actors right now, thanks to having more time available. Warner Bros. just picked up a project just for him.

Collider reports:

Warner Bros. plans to remake A Boyfriend for My Wife as a star vehicle for Steve Carell. The 2008 Argentine rom-com centered on a “timid husband who believes the only way out of his stifling marriage is to get his wife to fall in love with another man, so he enlists the help of a legendary yet unlikely Lothario.” According to Variety, Carell will produce the film and writers Mark Gibson and Phil Halprin (Snow Dogs) will pen the script.

Steve Carell is one of my favorite comedy actors of modern times. I don’t know why, but everything he does, is just plain cool and funny. Did you guys catch his ESPY parody of the Lebron James: The Decision show? Hilarious! The premise of this rom-com sounds perfect for him. That’s just right up his alley. I’m definitely watching this when it comes out. For now, let’s enjoy his last season on The Office.

Do you like Carell? You want to see this movie get made with him? Would you bank on him, if you are a studio?

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