Tucker and Dale Vs Evil gets Distribution Deal

Almost a month ago, we posted a trailer for Tucker and Dale vs Evil, and while late to the game finding this trailer I couldn’t resist sharing it because it looks like an amazingly funny film. This is how I summed it up.

Everyone is tired of the same old “drunk hot college kids go camping and get slashed up by derranged rednecks” but what happens when those rednecks are not hankering for your brains and it just looks like they are?

Yup. Kids get themselves killed.

Sadly after making the film festival circuits, it sat in limbo, but all hope is not lost!

Way up here in the Great White North the film has been picked up for Canadian Distribution by Maple Pictures and should see a theatrical release around Spring 2011 … IN CANADA. Spring is a thing to celebrate up here, so this is just icing on the cake.

Yup, that’s right kiddies. Canada is getting it first. This doesn’t happen often so when it does, I am going to gloat a bit.

It will find its way to DVD in due time after that and Americans will flock our borders looking to get their hands on a copy to smuggle back to their homeland.

But fear not. If the film is half as well accepted here as the trailer has been, it is only a matter of time before some US distributor gets their mitts on it and shares it with the rest of you.

In the mean time I am going to go celebrate with some Poutine and look forward to seeing this some time next year.

  • James

    I’ve been waiting forever and a day it seems like for the bozo’s here is the USA to finally release this. I just wish they’d get their fingers out of their noses and do it already. At least you guys up in Canada have a distributor for this, it looks like it’s going to be a fun little movie.

    Matt’s right though, they showed way too many deaths in the trailer.

  • http://www.screenslant.com Matt

    Looks great…the only problem is they showed so many of the deaths in the trailer!

  • Geno

    I gotta admit I have a hint of envy for Canada to get this film before the US does. The trailer makes it look so hilarious, I really hope it is released out sooner than 2011.

  • A.Hoy

    I Guess my begging and pleading worked Also the massive pull which the Movie blog has with the studios. You’re Welcome

  • Omar V

    This is the second greates trailer i’ve seen all year, besides The Walking Dead, telling eveyone i know to check it out. Sucks we have to wait till next year to see it.

  • Dead End

    I saw Tucker and Dale at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal. It was pretty fantastic, it was a lot of fun. Really hope it gets picked up for US distribution. Anyone who’s a fan of horror films, comedies, or genre satires would love this film.

  • Mike V Banno

    That looks like the perfect spoof of camper killer slasher movies. Definitely worth a watch. Pity it is only in Canada. But you’re right, it should eventually hit the United States.