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December 8, 2010

Transformers Dark of the Moon Teaser Online

— Posted by Rodney

I was eagerly looking for this trailer the other night when it was airing on Entertainment Tonight but I didnt see the show and figured it would be online. Well the either didn’t show it on ET, or they kept a tight lid on people bootlegging it to YouTube, but now International Friend Godfather tipped me off that Apple Trailers has the Teaser Trailer and it explains a bit about the title.

Or you can check the embedded clip here:

I wonder if they will make some sort of suggestion that the conspiracy suggesting man never stepped foot on the moon (and that it was supposedly filmed in a soundstage) is a planted theory by the government to divert attention away from this bigger secret they do want to keep.

But also, this makes you wonder about that teaser used for the first Transformers movie (filmed by Bay with a cam corder and minimal effects in the dessert) that features the Mars Rover encountering what looks like a robot. If Nasa secretly knew about these extraterrestrial bots all along and the lunar landing was intentional to explore a crashed Transformer ship, wouldn’t it seem strange that the Mars Rover footage was such a shock to them?

It looks cool as always, and I hold out hope that this will be better. Visually the movies kick ass, and its been enough for me to tolerate the weak plot so far. But maybe, just maybe this will be as good as Shia LeBeouf was on speed about.

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  • Shane

    Pretty good tease. Hopefully it will be better than the last film.



    The trailer is still up on Apple.

    I haven’t kept up with the storylines apart from G1 and very minimally afterward. Still, I would think that with some of the posts above that people point out as an ancestor to Optimus, I would lean that way myself. With the original G1 storyline being that the Autobots were leaving Cybertron to find a new source of energy, it could work with this as well (ship losses power and crashes on the dark side of the moon, just mere inches [figuratively] from a new power source - Earth).

    The trailer has me as excited as the original trailer did (for the Bay movies) and I saw that one 4 times in the theatre. I seriously can’t wait for July, but until then, it’s gonna be awesome speculating what’s coming and what new robots/story will be involved!

    • Rodney

      The trailer is still up HERE.

      • ThePeter

        Nope. I’m getting “video cannot be found” when i try to play it from the embedded video.

  • Hazmat

    um,… im sure the trailers all over fucking youtube, amigos

  • ThePeter

    Damn,… i wanted to see that trailer.

    • m@tt

      Me too!!!!

  • Emily

    Just thought you should know the video is no longer working. It was removed because of copyright issues.

  • Roman

    Take this with a grain of salt wikipedia is already saying its Alpha Trion.

    • Tculbe1

      I have to believe that the above is the “Arc” with the last robot they show being Alpha Trion. Perhaps when they say “no signs of life” that means that Alpha Trion does not have a prominent role in the movie.

      I also have to believe that this ties in to the first Transformers teaser with the Mars Rover and NASA being shocked by what they found. Mars Rover was sent to search for other findings based on the crash landing found on the moon….

      Regardles- I like the way this movie is shaking up. Dark and mysterious definitely fits the movie better…

    • Rodney

      That’s a little less than a grain of salt there my friend.

      I could go to that page and edit it to say that Bot is HotRod and it would be as “valid” an information source.

      Wiki is interesting and there is a lot of information on it, but I take any information I find there as valid as “some guy on the street told me” Entirely possible its true, but not “proof”

  • Roman

    SO lets break down this mystery bot by defining features

    Blue eyes = auto bot - but wait Unicron has blue eyes
    Yellow Tint - Sentinel Prime, Unicron
    Fu man chu/gotee - Alpha Trion, Unicron
    Prominent Pointed Shoulders - Alpha Trion, Unicron

    Unicron meets every portion of the defining features but is missing legacy characteristics (viking horns/demon wings). Alpha Trion and Sentinel Prime are not everyday characters and fan service has been attempted in every movie.

    If i were a betting man it would be Unicron but it could also be a new bot all together.

    • Gareth

      Unicron had Green Eyes not Blue

      • Rodney

        Unicron is on his own team. He is neither blue or red eyed.

    • Roman

      Unicron’s eyes are violet and when he yells they beam BLUE. I am looking at it right now.

      As for the wiki, i know it isn’t any kind of source i was just adding to the conversation.

    • Geno

      And also Unicron is the size of planet. Thats the main reason why I don’t believe it’s him but rather Sentinel Prime or someone else. But hey, you never know with what they decide to do. It would be kinda cool to see Unicron but in a way, it’s been done already.

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