Trailer For Peter Weir’s The Way Back

The trailer for Peter Weir’s The Way Back has hit the internet. The film is based on the novel “The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom” by Slavomir Rawicz. The story is a true one based on the soldiers who escaped the Siberian gulag in 1940. Here’s more info on it…

Synopsis: After escaping a Siberian labor camp in 1940, seven courageous multi-national prisoners discover the true meaning of friendship as their epic journey takes them across thousands of miles of hostile terrain en-route to India and their freedom.”

This looks good. Definitely going to watch this. Survival films, if done right, can be incredible films. The cast is quite good also. You can never go wrong with Weir directing, and a cast of survivors that includes Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, and Jim Sturgess.

What do you guys think of the trailer, and story? What about the cast ensemble? What’s your favorite Weir film?

  • anon Ymus

    —NOT the time for still more WW2 retreading.

    ALSO the cast doesn’t look, sound or feel the least bit

    This ain’t Weir territory.

    HE’s apparently getting lousey advise from his managers.

  • James

    Hope it’s released in Australia. I definitely want to see it. Love Peter Weir Movies. Always fantastic photography.

  • Steven

    Looks awesome. Weir is always a good director, and the cast is great. I’ll definitely see it.