Tracy Morgan signs for Two Comedies

Tracy Morgan is absolutely brilliant on 30 Rock - for being Tracy. And in Cop Out he was unforgivably Tracy too. Which was fine.

But we are about to hit the Tracy tidal wave as this small screen star is leaping from his SNL roots, to a show that is essentially about SNL, to the big screen.

CinemaBlend says:

ID Theft will feature Morgan as a dad struggling with financial troubles. When a suburban father’s credit card winds up in his hands, he decides to use it as an easy way out. The script comes from SNL writers Colin Jost and Rob Klein.

Warner Bros. isn’t the only studio investing in Morgan. As reported by Deadline Hollywood, Paramount has him in their own comedy called Freshman Roommates, in which he’ll star alongside TJ Miller.

I would guess that Freshman Roomates is going to be about two adults who go back to college for one reason or another and hillarity ensues.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Tracy Morgan. I didnt care for him at all on SNL but he works in spades on 30 Rock, but I can tell his unique stylings are going to wear thin on me like Jack Black and Will Ferrell have. I still like the stuff they were in before, but when I see a new comedy of them acting the same way, I just don’t care anymore.

Tracy isn’t that guy for me yet, but maybe with two more movies that close together with him being Tracy - I might.

  • 420BAND


    Please Eddie were waiting!

  • Mr. James

    I have no love for this man.

    Look at that doofy picture at the top of this article. REALLY look at it. He looks mentally challenged and that’s how he acts in ALL of his roles.

    Rafael, he is NOT the Eddie Murphy of our generation. At least Eddie Murphy could act and was not a complete one-trick-pony at the beginning of his career. Morgan can not hold a candle to Eddie. A great idea I think would be to put this guy in a movie WITH Eddie and watch the fur fly. A really gritty urban comedy where Eddie could redeem himself alongside a younger less capable actor. Might work.

  • Geno

    So far I have not been a fan of Tracy Morgan, I don’t see the appeal. I think I liked him when he was starting out in SNL with small bits here and there. Also the prank calls he would do on Crank Yankers were pretty funny. But after that his voice just seems to get on my nerves.

  • Rafael

    I saw him in Cop Out and thought he was really funny. I guess he’s the Eddie Murphy of this generation. In about 10 years he’ll be making crappy family movies just like Eddie too.

  • 420BAND

    Dont know what to make still on this guy, one line here and there dont cut it.(I’ve been waiting for years now for his break-out moment as I dont watch 30 rock).

    He’s a little grating. on paper I can see how his jokes work it’s the odd delivery I got a problem with. half chuckles

  • David Lopan

    My opinion on tracy morgan went through the roof, after I heard him on Howard Stern satalite. Amazing!

  • mad claw

    I’m sorry, but I don’t know what’s the appeal about Tracy Morgan.