Toy Story 3 Gets To 1 Billion

Today, Toy Story 3 gets to $1 billion dollars grossed worldwide. It will also make Disney, the first studio in history to have two movies surpass this feat in the same year. A few weeks ago, Toy Story 3 passed Finding Nemo as Pixar’s highest grossing film ever.

CinemaBlend reports:

By the end of today, Toy Story 3 will have earned more than a billion dollars worldwide. In fact, it’ll be the second Disney film this year to do so, making Disney the first movie studio in history to release two billion dollar pictures in a single year. Alice in Wonderland was the other one, having accomplished the feat earlier this year.

I’m really glad that Toy Story 3 reached this milestone (not so much for Alice in Wonderland). Pixar just keeps delivering movie after movie. Toy Story 3 is easily, one of the best movies this year (the other one being Inception). It should win the Animated category, and it should at least, be nominated also for Picture of the Year at the Oscars.

What do you guys think? Did you go see this film? Should they continue with a #4? What’s your opinion on both movies surpassing $1 billion dollars?

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