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February 12, 2010

Top Five Movies that Made Me Cry

— Posted by Rodney

Given that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, here in the film chatting world everyone gets expectations of taking their loved ones or special gal to dinner, and maybe a movie.

So while this typically ends up being some sort of Chick Flick, that has always been about guys strategically gaining favour with their girls for doing something just for them. Or at least going to see that movie they wanted to see, and have the perfect excuse to go see it without getting teased. Its a win-win.

But while everyone else is ranking their best Chick Flicks, I am doing something a little different. I am simply going to rank the top five movies that have MADE ME CRY.

Yes, I have a soft side to this snarky exterior and trust me guys, that scores more points than taking them to see Twilight. And while not many films have broken down this hardened war torn exterior, there have been some films that have jogged my emotions enough to spark a response.

This list is going to share those exact moments the waterworks were too much to contain, so this could have spoilers. Just to warn you.

#5 - UP!
During the whirlwind scene setting the premise of the film, we see young Carl being befriended by the spunky Elle, and they grow up together and find a life together. That was a beautiful introduction and montage scene done right, that illustrated elements of their very long life together.

When the bouncy trip through their life slows in pace and eventually shows the news that Ellie is ill, it gets sad. But seeing her pass and him at the funeral were not what tripped me off. It was him going home to that empty house. I was done. I dodged a look at my wife, not to see if she got misty too, but more to see if she would catch me wiping my eyes.

#4 - Power of One
This movie had me in choked up moments more than once. I really felt a strong connection to the character as the film is so well done to illustrate. But the variety of misty eye moments in the movie were enough, and they are offset by a number of feelgood victories in the story too.

When the well meaning and beautifully warm love interest Maria (Fay Masterson) is senselessly slain by an evil Nazi (Daniel Craig) I was horrified. When PK shows up at the funeral, her father is outraged blaming his rebellion and forward thinking for her demise - and the dozens of Africanners she touched step over the horizon singing I was done. Weepy city right there.

#3 - Braveheart
I went to Braveheart knowing what the movie was about, but not knowing the specifics. I knew that a freedom fighter would stand against English oppression and free Scotland, but what I didn’t know was that Wallace throws away his chance at a quiet life after a British Lord kills his woman. That detail was never revealed to me.

So in that scene, where Murron is captured and set as bait for Wallace, and she looks hopefully over the horizon with utter fear in her eyes. I am waiting for the textbook Hollywood rescue scene, but instead he slits her throat.

Oh my, that was effective for me. Seeing that trigger such a change in Wallace was powerful, but watching her fade away got my throat making with the lump. But I was also moved deeply when Wallace drops to his knees in front of her father, and he struggles to reach out a consoling hand in a gesture of forgiveness. Ahem… I think I got something in my eye…

#2 Best of the Best
Eric Roberts is joined by a number of other misfit martial artists in this late 80s action flick to enter an Exhibition Contest against a Korean Team. Each of these 5 athletes has his own quirks and emotional burdens entering into it, but the secondary star of the team is Tommy Lee, who has his own grudge to face as the man he is paired to fight accidentally killed his brother in Tournament years before.

What makes this something more than just a typical martial arts vendetta action flick is that while Tommy Lee’s motivation for becoming the Best of the Best was his brother’s death. And he is fully aware that the power and strenth he has is literally lethal. He struggles that the grudge he carries may cause him to lose his temper and seriously injure or kill this competitor.

The surprise ending finds Tommy holding the victory point to win the tournament for his team right open before him and rage fills him. He forfiets the win fearing what he may do next. Noble effort. But that wasn’t it.

During the award ceremony, the man Tommy did not take down gives a moving speech about his brother, and shares his medal with Tommy. Damn that came out of no where and messed me up.

#1 - Lion King
All full of Noble strength with a name that sends chills down the spines of lesser quadropeds in all that the sun touches.. Mufasa stands as a Warrior King to be feared and respected. He only has to speak to envoke automatic loyalty. And to see him frollicking about and chuckling with his dear lion cub Simba is heartwarming. But that just perfectly set me up for the fall.

Even more emotionally triggering is his death. Seeing the desperate efforts of this stalwart king to save his young son from a stampede, and the fear in those eyes… then while Simba is swept to safety, he dies. When lion Cub Simba pleads at the still form of his fallen father, my heart broke.

But when he lifts his giant paw and curls into his chest whimpering, its over. Puddleface.


I got a little weepy writing that last part. Not ashamed to admit it. Interestingly enough James Early Jones was in both of the top two films I mentioned, both in supporting roles.

There are other films that have hit me emotionally and stirred things up inside, but this manly man has so far been able to avoid physical evidence of such weakness. These are just among those that really got me.

Is there any film that got you choked?

Edit This is a real discussion, and you are not being funny with the “I cried because I paid to see it” lines. Lets keep this civil.

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  • Nora

    I never, ever cry in movies, and Up just about killed me. I bawled. Like a baby. Twice.

  • CC

    Also, Short Circuit and Man in the Moon.

  • CC

    There are many, basically any movie about animals.

    Hachi: A Dogs Tale-True story of a dog that waited for 9 years at a train station for his owner to return. The owner had previously died. If you don’t cry in this movie, something is wrong.

    Eight Below-A story of a group that had to leave their sled dogs behind during a blizzard. Heartbreaking!

    Free Willy
    A Little Princess
    My Girl
    Benji Movies
    An American Tail (that little mouse does it everytime)

  • Brasileiro

    1 - Ikiru (When he sings in the swing)
    2 - The Road Home
    3 - Terminator 2 (The ending still gets me…)
    4 - The Champ
    5 - Grave of the Fireflies

    There is a lot more, but these are the ones that got more tears out of me.

  • Matt

    The movie that came closest to making me cry was E.T., when he gets sick. The only movie that put me over the edge and actually pried some tear duct action out of me was All Dogs Go To Heaven.

  • Cheeka

    I ve cried for a very few.. But there is one film made me cry the whole night that day..

    “HACHIKO” - THE DOG STORY. The second half where the master dies and he stays ther everyday morning til he dies.
    Next was

    “WINDSTRUCK” - Brilliant mix of emotions. Made me cry a lot.

  • Em

    What about Beaches? I know it’s hard to choose these things but that is a blubber session guarantee! Or ‘Saving Private Ryan’ when the mother gets the three telegrams at once. Sad, sad, sad!

  • james

    4.bear foot
    2.i am legend
    1.marley and me

  • stitch

    Gallipoli. Every single time, right at the end when he’s running but it’s hopeless.

  • Roman

    DRAGON HEART - Man I cried so hard when they killed Sean Connery. I mean who kills Sean Connery!

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