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September 21, 2010

Timecop 2.0 Moving Forward

— Posted by Francisco

Universal is planning on going back to the past and making a new version of 1194′s Timecop. The original follows Jean Claude Van Damme as the hero who travels through time preventing the past from being altered by villains. Two caveats; One: no traveling into the future since it hasn’t happened yet, and Two: no two copies of the same molecules can occupy the same space.

CinemaBlend reports:

Universal is moving forward with what they’re calling a “big-budget sci-fi blockbuster” version of Timecop, according to What’s Playing. The project has been in development for over four years and Universal is looking to get this sucker on the fast track. Expect a big screen release within the next year and a half.

I love the original. Personally, I think it’s one of the most fun and entertaining movies regarding time travel. I like the idea of Universal trying to remake this one for this generation. The story is there; what they need now is a good leading man who can kick ass.

Who do you think should direct this? Who do you think should be the lead role?

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I would say Denzel washington he he was awesome in Deja Vu. But really I would like to see Dwayne Johnson in it. I think he would pull it off great. As for Van Damn, I wouldnt give him any role after passing on the Expendables. Thats juts me

Time Cop II is a seriously underrated film (I'm not joking, watch it)

I feel like im taking crazy pills!!! Bring Van Damme back

Hugh Jackman He can hold any action role on his own. And it would be nice to have van dame play a small part, like his captain, it would be a nice touch.

I'd like it if they went less typical action star but at the same time im a bit perplexed as to who i would pick. Someone like James Macavoy,Adrian Brody or i think the perfect combo of actor/action man would be Tim Olyphant. But all depends on the script.

Since Timecop 2 was already made (Jason Scott Lee and Thomas Ian Griffith) and then there was the short lived series (TK Knight, I think the actor's name was) then I would propose: Van Damme, Lee and Knight (or at least Christine Carpenter) and call it Timecops. But that's just me. Personally I felt the first film was silly (but what a whammo ending when you stop and think -I'll give it THAT)...I never really warmed up to the sci-fi concepts, it didn't make a lick of sense. But I know that is not likely to happen. So thus I will answer your questions. No actors. No directors. Interest is nil.

he didn't say timecop 2. He is saying they are rebooting it. Read the post.

Yea, Statham sounds perfect for this role. Although, that guy that played Steve McGarret on Hawaii Five-O seemed pretty kick-ass. I can see that guy get some serious interest in movie action roles later on.

The Rock or Jason Statham for the lead.

I'd be careful about referring to Dwayne Johnson as "The Rock". Some people get upset about such peculiarities :p As for this film, I'm looking forward to it - the premise sounds pretty fun.