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December 11, 2010

Thor Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

Yahoo finally has the first Trailer for Thor, and while anyone who caught the ComicCon footage will think this is the same trailer, after the Marvel logo scrolls its pretty much all new stuff and it looks awesome.

Now that’s what I’m talking about!!

That is what I was hoping to see from Thor.

Now bring on the Captain America Trailer too!!

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  • Kimball

    Did anyone notice the “And in 2D in select theaters” line at the end. In select theaters?! Is that how things are moving? Soon we won’t have a choice-if you want to see the movie, you’ve got to see it in 3D. Ugh, this is getting frustrating. Don’t take away our choice, Hollywood!


    Ttrailer is just alright. Green Lantern trailer was bad too!
    WTF is goin on!

  • Dilho

    “I CAST YOU OUT!!!!” - Sir Anthony Hopkins FTW

    Looks sicks. But it’s easy to be fooled by a trailer. I just hope it works and doesn’t come off as cheesy or terrible like Iron Man2 was.

  • daniel richards

    can not wait for this movie to come out looks good, i hope captain america looks just as good

  • Richard M

    Horrible trailer, horrible movie, horrible character….come lets take a break from Marvel movies shall we? Everything besides X-Men has been horrible including Spiderman

    • Hazmat

      Before i dignify that with an response…

      Are you a die hard DC fan that hates MARVEL or do you just dont like all comic book movies?

    • Art


    • 420BAND

      Careful, People have gotten their ass kicked for alot less that that statement you just spit up……:)

      DC GUY! DC GUY!

  • Hazmat

    lol… what? @

    “THIS MAY,


    this is one of those times where i wish Don LaFontaine was still around…

  • fullmetal_medji

    Awesome!!! This trailer certainly exceeded my expectations.

  • Lawrence

    This looks promising. I’d like to see Thor firing his hammer at his foes in subsequent trailers.

  • knossis

    Anyone notice how Odin not only took his hammer but also his armor as well. It happens kinda quick but the effect is cool.

  • knossis

    Right you are Rodney bring on Captain America too! While this trailer has some of the same stuff as what was seen at comic con, it has just enough difference to give more scale to the production and so far I like what I see. I really hope they delve deeper into the statement that Thor makes when he say’s, in the past your people called it magic now you call it science. I come from a place where they are one in the same. That one statement holds a lot of sci fi implications to it and could open up a whole new dialogue into how we view our world in terms of combining science(study of the physcial world) and religion( study of the unseen spiritual world).

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