The Social Network - Early Screening Reviews

David Fincher’s The Social Network is one of the most anticipated movies of 2010. It tells the story about the founding of the social networking website Facebook. The Social Network is scheduled for an October 1st release. Apparently, the studio gave an early screening of the movie some days ago. Here’s what those lucky people/writers are saying…

“The Social Network will define a generation for a generation that couldn’t care less about its generation, but it’s as entertaining as anything you’ll watch all year.” - Erik Davis (Cinematical)

“The Social Network is a hugely entertaining watch. It’s not often you get that right mix of art and entertainment. I believe Fincher found that sweet spot. I loved this movie and I think it officially kicks off the 2010 Oscar race.” - Quint (AICN)

“Even if you’re not one of the millions that spends hours-on-end checking your Facebook wall, I think you’ll love watching how the site got put together. It’s a fascinating story and one that will be remembered later this year during Awards season.” - Steve Weintraub (Collider)

“4 Stars. The movie of the year, that also brilliantly defines the decade” - Peter Travers (Rolling Stone)

Since the movie was announced I was really interested in it. Since I knew that Sorkin was writing the script, I got more interested. Now people who’ve seen it, are saying it’s the movie of the year and that it will be in the middle of the Oscar race. Now, I’m more pumped up for this film.
Can’t wait to see it. It’ll probably rock like they say.

You guys watching this? You like Facebook? Should they come out with a Google or Twitter film?

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