The Movie Blog Uncut - Star Wars Releases

In this installment of the longest running movie related podcast on the net, I discuss what I think about the never ending cycle of Star Wars film editions that are being released in light of the announced Star Wars Saga being released on BluRay, and the potential of a 3D conversion.

Check it out:

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About Rodney

who has written 8882 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Matt

    I want to thank you for saying the comment about the prequel haters out there. I love the original trilogy as much as the next guy, but the prequels have so much more action and cool visual effects. I mean the Light Saber battles alone are worth every cent of every release they come up with. Jar Jar is annoying, but so were the Ewoks. The new movies didn’t ruin my childhood in the slightest. If anything, they helped me to connect to it and they act as an awesome bridge to the past for my kids. I am almost 37 and I grew up loving Star Wars even though I only saw Return of the Jedi in the theater. I don’t actually remember much about the big screen viewing though. It drives me nuts when people say that they totally remember everything from when they saw A New Hope when they were like 2 years old. In fact, I don’t remember that it was even called A New Hope when we were kids. Wasn’t it just called Star Wars? As is probably true for most people, I got my memories of Star Wars from cable TV and video (beta max anyone?). Anyway, thanks for the post. I can’t wait for the Blu Ray. I wish they would have announced something a little less obvious though at Celebration. What the heck is going on with the live action show? Are you telling me that Star Trek can have like five shows and we can’t have any (live action) shows?

    • Word is that the TV show was in development hell and they finally pulled the plug.

      Its not happening.

  • Xizor66

    so many people have different opinions about star wars…oh I like the 1st 3, or why did George ruin Episode 1 2 & 3 . Just like with anything cant make everyone happy. I am a big star wars fan, and looking forward to it finally on Blu Ray ( just like LOTR ) . I read the article why it took so long, George wanted to make sure alot of people had Blu Ray players to release it. If you do not like star wars, you probably have a team edward poster above your bed lol.

  • Roman

    You say about like a canadian and its funny because you are canadian

    • I say about how it is spelled.

      And I dont see how being Canadian is funny. Just sayin.

      • roman

        Did not mean to offend doin some norm mcdonald humor stating the obvious i love the hot rod

  • Kyle

    How old are you? You seem to young to A New Hope in theaters. It’s interesting. Lol. Take it as a compliment that you look young.

    • I will take that as a compliment! I am currently 38 and I was 4 when the first Star Wars film came out. I actually turned 5 a little over a month after this came out, but movies lasted in theaters a little longer back then - and I was probably over 5.

      • Mike V Banno

        Interesting, Rodney. I definitely had it right then. I pegged you as mid-late 30’s, early 40’s.

      • Early 40s? Don’t start digging my grave just yet Mike!

        Ouch. lol

      • Mike V Banno

        lol. Well it didn’t help that some of your pictures on the site definitely make you look a bit older than you look in that vid for sure. I just guessed at what I saw.

  • Derek 8-Track

    where is the second part of the video?

  • Matt Keith

    All I can say is that George Lucas will be famous for 2 reasons: Giving us Star Wars, and then ruining it.

    • Mike V Banno

      That’s probably only going to be based on point of view. After all, some may not agree that he ruined them. But still, I won’t argue with you on that.

      • BobaFett

        Prequels = FAIL

  • Mike V Banno

    Rodney, Episode II came out on VHS. I own the VHS.

    • Mike V Banno

      Oh and your blog seems unfinished…just curious.

      • I don’t know what you mean by unfinished

      • Mike V Banno

        It seems to cut out when you’re talking about Clone wars on Blu-Ray.

  • MadClawMann

    Hans Solo shoot first!!!!!!!