The Movie Blog UnCut Podcast July 23rd 2010

Welcome to another installment of the longest running movie related podcast on the net.

This week on The Movie Blog Uncut, I rant a bit about discussions in films, and how sometimes people will use a popular film of the moment or recent news article to suddenly springboard their only vaguely related discussion about a real world issue.

Check it out:
Updated video link. Working now

And if you prefer the audio only version, you can download that here: The Movie Blog Uncut Audio Edition #362 You can stream it directly, or right click the link and “save target/link as…”

About Rodney

who has written 8882 posts on The Movie Blog

  • kingl

    I didn’t know you were going to talk about Comic Con. I thought you were going to bring up people getting worked up over Machete.

    • Uh… I didn’t talk about ComicCon.

      I talked about people hijacking topics to serve their own needs.

  • joe

    no video :(

    • Rodney

      Fixed it!

  • MadClawMann

    Kneel before Zod!

  • Federico

    It says this video has been removed from metacafe

    • Rodney
