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October 27, 2010

The Hobbit will be Filmed in New Zealand

— Posted by Rodney

The Battle for Middle Earth has resolved and the false bravado and posturing of the few has been overturned by the passion and clear headed logic of the many.

The Hobbit will be filmed in New Zealand.

WorstPreviews quotes New Zealand Prime Minister John Key:

“An agreement has been reached between the New Zealand government and Warner Bros that will enable the two ‘Hobbit’ movies to be directed by Sir Peter Jackson to be made in New Zealand,” he said during a press conference. “We will be moving to ensure that New Zealand law in this area is settled to give film producers like Warner Bros the confidence they need to produce their movies in New Zealand.”

I bet those Union reps are feeling like crap now that their little gamble to get “fair” treatment of their membership.

Peter Jackson responded fairly and bluntly that they were out of line making these demands and illustrated how his production went above and beyond the standards that they were holding the film hostage for, and decided to call their bluff.

The threat to take the production elsewhere widened some eyes. The rabble rose up and toppled their representation pleading for PJ to keep the production on their humble shores.

Which is exactly what Peter Jackson and Weta wanted in the first place.

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  • vargas

    Sort of reminds me of the union issues that Lucas faced when in production for, I think it was either The Empire Strikes Back or The Return of the Jedi. I don’t remember which one where they really started giving him hell.

  • Elias

    I don’t understand why you put fair in quotation marks? What sort of demands did they make that you feel are “out of line”?

    • Rodney

      The point was that they were asking for things because they were fair and PJ came back proving they clearly knew nothing about what they were asking because he already did everything they said and more. He was already more fair than the “fair” they were demanding.

  • Steven

    Was there ever any doubt?

    • Rodney

      The only doubt would have been if they listened to their Union bosses and didn’t rebel against their error in judgement.

      PJ would have taken it to the UK just to prove a point if it came to it. He knew they would see it his way. It only made sense for everyone to do it this way.

  • Anti-Septic

    Excellent news indeed, New Zealand is so beautiful I couldn’t imagine the Hobbit being filmed anywhere else. I am glad the Hobbit film will also have the same look and feel as the previous LOTR films as far as countryside scenery goes.

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