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December 6, 2010

The Beaver Trailer Online

— Posted by Rodney

Aside from all the personal issues Mel Gibson has had, he is still a fantastic actor. So I was really happy to find out that we are getting a wide release of the previously shelved Jodie Foster Directed “The Beaver”, and after seeing this trailer I don’t know that any amount of bad publicity can keep a film like this down.

This just looks so amazing, and Gibson looks so on point in this trailer. He clearly does damaged goods really well, and even in the tiny bit we see here I am alredy sympathetic of his character, and fascinated and amused by the creation of The Beaver.

Anton Yelchin looks awesome too, and even Jodie Foster who I didn’t realize was also acting in this movie.

So can’t wait for this.

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  • sal

    I watched this thinking it was going to be horrible. It choked me. Looks really good, scared of going to see it in case I cry.

  • Art

    I’m sold. Looks very interesting!!

  • 420BAND


    dont know how to feel with this one.

  • Mr. James

    I wonder if this was the original trailer or a recut version after Mel’s bad publicity?
    If it’s a recut version, whoever worked on it was a genius because it absolutely works subconsciously by stating exactly what you’re thinking about Mel as you’re watching it. However, it also shows all of his vulnerable shots from the movie.

    “I’m glad you kicked him out…what a loser”
    “…a hopelessly depressed individual”

    Just interesting. I’m sure I’ll see it.

    • Jason Stanley

      A great response and I reckon you’re right.

      You can’t help but think of Mel’s recent problems with this trailer and it seems it may be the role to warm him back to audiences. I’d like to check it out.

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