The Barry White Story - Not A Biopic

Mr. Joel Schumacher is making a film about Barry White. Yes, that’s right - the five-time Grammy Award-winner known for his rich bass voice and romantic image, Barry White. But, it’s not biopic, about his life and career. It’s about something else.

Collider reports:

According to Pajiba, Schumacher has The Barry White Story lined up as his next project — but it’s not a biopic. Instead, it’s about (get this) “the ghost of Barry White teaching some loser kid how to channel him to get a girl.”

It is what it is. When I read this, I felt bad for Mr. White. I was like: “Damn, that’s pretty cool. Barry is getting a movie about him a la Ray. Good for him”…But then I kept reading and laughed. This is one of those ideas, that’s so crazy on paper, that it just might work on screen. Who knows? We’ll have to wait a see.

Do you think this would work? Would you watch this? Does White deserve a biopic instead?

  • rick clay

    If you are going to make a movie about Barry White,then make it about BW. Not some kid trying to get laid. That is not the way BW would approve of. He had a very interesting life. From a kid in Texas to the world greatest love Mastro to the tragic way he was treated before he died. Please if u are serious about this movie,then do the man Proud.

  • http://AOL Linda ONeill

    This pisses me off…dont get me wrong,I grew up on motown..loved it. Why in the world dont someone make a movie about Leon Russell. God know hes worthy of it. Your getting to see someones life spread out on the theatre screen…hell Leon wrote a “song for you” which Ray Charles sang the hell out of. Ill see this movie but some of those hollywoodians with money they dont know what to do with should make a movie about Leon Russell.

  • 420BAND

    This could be pretty funny, especially if they go to the naughty advice territory I’m thinkin’ about.

    but then again, it sounds like an episode of south park-just swich “Chef” with Barry

  • Danny

    Biopic for sure. This sounds like a Disney movie.