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December 27, 2010

The Avengers to Focus on Kree-Skrull War?

— Posted by Rodney

After a local newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal reported on The Avengers set to film in the city we are now lead to believe that the Kree-Skrull war will be the central conflict of The Avengers film.

The alien civil war finds its way to earth and the Heroes have no choice but to defend the planet from the conflicting forces set on making Earth its battlefield.

GeekTyrant shares:

Thanks to an Aiint It Cool News reader who picked up this copy of Albuquerque Journal on Christmas Eve saw the story about The Avengers and noticed this line “The Avengers’ script will blend Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger story lines as the Avengers battle with two alien races, the Skrulls and the Kree.

I could see this as an epic battle worthy of The Avengers as our heroes get caught up in this Alien Civil War.

Most of the character development in The Avengers has been taken care of with the individual films (and a few yet to come out) and the few extra faces will get introduced in the movie itself then on to the big conflict.

But is this revelation just the assumption and error of a local newspaper journalist? Or did he see or hear something while reporting and break this wide open?

There is also a wild rumour that Camp Rock starlet Demi Lovato might be up for a minor role too, but until they name her character I will assume its just rumour

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  • http://yahoo RonGalactus

    I hope the Kree Skrull War will be in this movie. I think it would be awesome if the Avengers get the Quinjet or Nick Fury will give them a starship/shuttle like in the Kree Skrull War comics story arc and the Avengers travel to the Andromeda Galaxy and to the Skrull home planet and have an awesome space battle with a Srull and Kree Armada of starships.

    • TheSwede

      Sorry dude but that ain’t gonna happen. This has to tie in with the individual movies and if you look at them there all kinda sticking with the real world so I really can’t see them breaking that pathern and going all sci-fi-epic-BSG-star-trek-laser-blastin-movie on us. Sorry…

  • MichoPower

    I don’t see them ever making the Hulk a villain in any of these movies. He has been portrayed as a B!t$h in both movies he has come out in…granted they were both completely seperate movies. It would be too hard to believe to have him suddenly hate everyone enough to become the major bad guy in any of these movies.

    • Anthony

      Hulk can’t be the traditional villain, but maybe 2 villains?

      BUT the Hulk can easily become the main villain and be bad ass, just check out World War Hulk! He was pretty creepy in Old Man Logan as well.

  • Roman

    Is it lost on anyone that all of these plot lines and reveals are things that are on the previous weeks episode of the Avengers cartoon? I just think these papers are watching the cartoon and then saying it as a rumor.

  • knossis

    The Kree Skrull war seems like a big undertaking for the budget on the Avengers film. While the war makes for solid comic story telling, it would probably be best to start small and wait on the returns for all three films(Thor,Cap and Avengers) before investing the kind of money needed to pull off a decent sized sci fi spectacle with the big named stars attached. I will say this the dynamic and history between the Kree and Skrulls would make wonderful fodder for Whedon’s style of directing. I would also hope they show that the Kree are actually the bad guy’s not the Skrulls(a then peaceful race) who were actually trying to help advance the two races on Hala, the Kree and the plant like Cotati.

  • Robert

    It’s been debunked. Writer of the article didn’t know what he was talking about.

    • Robert

      Can I ask why the last post I put up about this being debunked got deleted? Seriously.

      Happy Holidays to all, btw.

  • Joe

    Although I can’t wait for the Avengers, and the solo titles leading up to it, I must admit that a part of me wants these movies to fail. Only because the current trend is to create a trilogy, and a reboot to create a new set of trilogies. And if the Harry Potter/Twilight method of creating 2 parts works out, it may be stretched even further. When will the madness end. Although I can almost guarantee that I will be at the theaters 20 years from now when the Avengers Reboot episode 2 part 2 electric boogaloo comes out. Most likely paying $30 for standing room only just to follow the story.

  • 420BAND

    The Kree-skull’s have always been an early part of the Avengers Comics Universe, so this really is no suprise. Problem is……I really didn’t care for those storylines in the comics and especially their run on the Silver Surfer comics(2nd run).

    But than again this is a Movie so the Eye Candy factor here is HUGE!

    Avengers Assemble!

  • Anthony

    Hulk is easily an immediate threat

    SHIELD’s recruiting efforts otherwise seem to passive for an immediate threat… but who knows!

  • Anthony

    Kree-Skrull war would be interesting. I’m still hoping that Ultron, or the Hulk wind up being the major villain with this movie instead building up the Kree-Skrull war as a sub-story for the eventual sequel. I could see them planting Skrulls in the subsequent solo movies that are released after this movie in order to have a slow build up and another way to tie-in the Marvel movies for the next few yrs.

    • robb wo

      since Nick Fury/SHIELD is gathering all these heroes ahead of time, isn’t it safe to assume that it’s a present threat, or a known threat that’s on the way? how could they know that it’s ‘going to be’ Hulk or Ultron or anything else that would just happen to become real at a later time? The Kree-Skrull War works - either if it’s alrady here, or moving towards Earth. The Avengers are being assembled for a purpose, not just to be ready for a possible threat.

    • sirmac89

      since nick fury already knew about the skull and ff has been introduce are they going to associate ff with this movie?

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