Sony Considering Salt 2

Salt has been out for about almost 4 weeks now. Starring Angelina Jolie, the action-thriller has made an estimated $103 million in domestic box office. News comes that Jolie and crew are waiting to see how the film does overseas, so they can then green-light the sequel.

IGN reports:

According to the LA Times, writer Kurt Wimmer already has an idea for the further adventures of Evelyn Salt - the CIA agent who may or may not be a Russian spy.

Angelina Jolie - who played the title character - is also keen to work on a sequel, while director Phillip Noyce is also said to be interested, although he has as many as three projects on his schedule (including indie thriller Wenceslas Square and romance Dirty Music).

The Times suggests that Sony is waiting to see how the film performs in foreign territories like Germany and the UK before green-lighting the project.

I’ve still haven’t seen this one, so I can’t go into details. But from what’ve read and heard, the film is not bad, it’s pretty entertaining. Is a sequel a good thing in this case?

What do you guys think? You want salt 2? You think it will do good foreign box office?

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