Scarlett Johansson Getting Black Widow Spinoff Film?

Aside from developing one of the most challenging and awesome movies in superhero/geek history (The Avengers), Marvel is also starting the process into doing what the fans need the most after that: keeping the hot and sexy, Scarlett Johansson in a tight, cleaveaged suit fighting crime…Thanks you Marvel!

SuperHeroHype reports:

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has confirmed that discussions are already in the works to have Scarlett Johansson reprise her role as Natasha Romanoff in a Black Widow spinoff film, though the project will take a backburner while The Avengers is in development.

“We’ve already started discussions with Scarlett about the idea of a solo movie and have begun putting together concepts,” said Feige in a press conference for the Iron Man 2 Blu-ray/DVD today, “but ‘The Avengers’ comes first.”

Johansson is reprising her role as the character in the ensemble film, heading into production with Joss Whedon at the helm and planned for a summer 2012 release.

Thank you. We can all rest easy now. Aside from getting her into that hot suit for The Avengers, we might also get her for a whole Black Widow film? I’m in. As long as the script is good, and includes of course Marvel universe cameos, references and/or events, I’m good with it. I think Scarlett can change the female superhero curse that Hollywood has had in recent years. If done well, it has a chance. I mean, how can they go wrong with her dressed like that kicking everyone’s ass? And how about this year’s Halloween at this marriage’s house? Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern and Scarlett as Black Widow - cool stuff.

Would you see this? What do you think should go into the film for it to be good? What do you think of her performance in Iron Man 2? From 1-10 how hot is she? 10!!!!!

About Francisco

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Rosa - Tiendas de animales

    Sera good to see her in a paper like that

  • Mullin | Tiendas Muebles

    I think that the Scarlett’s star is turning off. Her start was very hopeful, but the last works in films are very disappointing. So her interpretative talent isn’t comparable with other actress of her generation than Natalie Portma, for example. Even though her beauty and charisma is out of every doubt.

  • shadess

    Couldn’t care less really. She wasn’t anything special in Iron Man 2.

  • Matt

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    Was just watching The Prestige again. Great movie…and Scarlett always looks amazing.

  • Joe

    I wasn’t that impressed with her in Iron Man 2. Seemed stiff and emotionless, although it kind of works since she is suppose to be a Russian spy if that is how the character is suppose to be. I don’t see her pulling off a movie by herself. NOTE: I am still a little pissed that she didn’t have a Russian accent in Iron Man 2, so any negativity might be due to that.

  • joe

    asking me if i want to see this movie or not is like asking me if i want free money for no catch of cource i want to see this movie lol