Ryan Reynolds Gives Update On Deadpool

With a possible Green Lantern trilogy on his hands, and numerous other projects in the process, many are questioning if Ryan Reynolds will in fact take on the role of Deadpool. In a recent interview, Reynolds talks a little bit about his involvement and the script.

Collider reports:

Reynolds spoke with Hero Complex recently and had quite a bit of praise to heap upon the script, saying that it is vastly different than the current slate of super hero films. He even goes as far as to assume that the opening of the film will lose viewers right off the bat, and that it is a daring showcase of exactly what the character is all about.

Reynolds begins by saying: “It goes in such a different direction than a superhero movie usually goes. It’s a nasty piece of work. It’s just based in so much emotional filth, completely. It’s like Barfly if it were a superhero movie. It sort of treads into the world of an emotionally damaged person. I always say that Deadpool is a guy in a highly militarized shame spiral…. It’s so different than the superhero movies to date, it departs so far from that.”

He goes on to compare the opening of the film to the first day of walking into prison: “You got to walk up and hit the biggest guy you see to establish a bit of cred,” Reynolds said. “With Deadpool, early on you have to establish that moral flexibility. There’s a gamble to it — you’re going to lose a few people right at the beginning but you take the gamble and know that eventually you’re going to win them back.”

Reynolds further mentions that this film will have nothing to do with the events in that mishap of a movie named X-Men Origins: Wolverine, especially in regards to the depiction of Deadpool, or whatever that was. Additionally, he says that while the character’s history and attitudes have changed quite a bit over the years, the heart of the character has been the staple. Oh, and the humor. They will definitely be breaking the fourth wall.

This sounds really good. I believe Reynolds is perfect for this role. Besides being one of the most popular actors right now, he apparently loves and understands this character. This is really important for a film like this. I have no doubt that he will nail it.

Who do you want to direct this; Rodriguez? Do you have a problem with Reynolds being Green Lantern and Deadpool? What would you like to see in the film?

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