Rhys Ifans Has Been Cast As Spider-Man Villain

Sony has announced that British actor Rhys Ifans has signed on to play a villain in Spider-Man’s reboot. But which one? For now we’ve got a cast of Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, and now, Ifans.

CinemaBlend reports:

Sony announced today that they’ve cast Rhys Ifans, the British actor known for his breakout role in Notting Hill as the slacker roommate, as well as for performances in Pirate Radio and this year’s Greenberg.

According to the press release it was actually Ifans’ performance in the upcoming Sony film Anonymous, directed by Roland Emmerich of all people, that got him the job:

“We have been very fortunate to attract some of the best actors working today to play the villains in the Spider-Man movies, and it is exciting to see that trend continue with Rhys Ifans. After seeing his performance in our upcoming film Anonymous, we’re in awe of his talent and think he’s the perfect choice to take on this role.”

And while they’re not going to tell us who the villain will be, director Marc Webb had some vague things to say about how the villain’s relationship to Spider-Man himself is the key to the character:

“What sets the Spider-Man villains apart is the complexity of their relationships with Peter Parker. Rhys’ incredible ability to embody both warmth and rage makes him the ideal choice for this character.”

On all the movies I’ve seen him in, Ifans has been great. I particularly love his performance in Pirate Radio. There’s not much to say here, until we get to know which villain will he be portraying. We’ll see…

Who do you think Ifans will play? You ok with his casting?

  • Ulfsark

    DOes anyone else think its stupid that they are having a Spider man reboot? I mean, seriously …. it came out what, 10 years ago or so? Why does it need a “reboot” …. i’m convinced the movie industry is running on dry when it comes to talented screenwriters.

    • http://prolesec.blogspot.com Matt

      In all likelihood, Sony signed a deal with Marvel that would let them make X amount of movies on Spider-Man (I had heard way back there was supposed to be 6, so let’s say 6).

      So Sony paid Marvel for the rights to do 6 Spider-Man movies (even if they didn’t pay and Marvel gets a % sales, doesn’t matter). Sony made 3 and are still allowed to make however many more, and I’m sure they don’t intend on letting rights they negotiated for go to waste.

      On the draining talent of Hollywood… well I read in the paper during the summer that the Australian film industry is on the rise and starting to make better quality pictures. So maybe we’ll start seeing more Australian original features in theaters soon.


    Well…. let’s just see what’s going to happen to this movie I think its a bad idea for this reboot. Im not getting excited for this film its all about money I guess.

    • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

      All films are all about money.

      • http://prolesec.blogspot.com Matt

        Maybe in the long run, but only blockbusters are for the money. There are always the films that are clearly done to get nominations from the Academy for actors, directors, or whoever. But I guess in the long run directors do this to help their future projects and actors do it to get better roles (and maybe increased pay per film when they get that “Academy Award Nominee…” or “Academy Award Winner…” title).

  • 420BAND

    Now I’m scratching my head.


    (Nothin’ against this guy, I like him in comedies)

  • regalgnome

    as he is a rock star type I think he should be hypno hustler!!