Redband Faster Trailer Online

A Redband Trailer for Faster is online and its filled with all sorts of shooting and a brief underwear shot of a hot girl… but nothing here that says Redband to me.

Still fun.

Its good to see Dwayne Johnson back in an action role again. No sign of cute kids, ducks or tooth fairies anywhere in this film.

Just hot girls, hot cars, and hot action. And its in the desert, so … ok, you get it.

  • Kaneda979

    Looks awesome. Has kind of a Tarintino feel to it.

    • 420BAND

      AHHH Not really.

  • Tycent

    I don’t know….this wasn’t to fast or furious for me….
    where are the race cars???

    • John

      This isn’t anything to do with the fast and the furious franchise, if you want a trailer for that your gonna have to wait till they release one for fast five.

  • HDpunk

    this looks awesome, i hope dwayne johnson is done with disney movies

  • cloud720

    Bullet hole to the head doesnt say redband?