Poll: Most Anticipated November 2010 Releases

Welcome November rain! Another Halloween has rolled by, and here comes Thanksgiving’s month. Give thanks for the industry of filmaking! We at TMB want to know what movies are you planning on watching this month. So as always, remember you can vote for just one, or for as many movies as you want to (It’s ok to be excited for more than one). Let’s roll…

Personally, I’m definitely going to watch: Due Date, 127 Hours, Unstoppable, Skyline and Harry Potter 7-1 . What about you guys?

Here’s October’s Poll Results and Each Film’s Gross For Now: (445 Votes)

The Social Network – 45% – $132,140,075
Red – 37% – $76,014,801
Buried – 25% – $12,900,887
Jackass 3D - 24% - $109,376,349
Let Me In – 23% – $15,012,469
Paranormal Activity 2 – 17% – $116,557,708
Saw 3D - 11% - $43,773,071
Hereafter - 11% - $24,125,470
My Soul to Take - 6% - $19,114,767
Stone - 4% - $5,686,297
Secretariat - 3% - $46,368,110
Life As We Know It - 3% - $72,055,024
Nowhere Boy - 3% - $3,945,112
Case 39 - 2% - $28,022,084
Conviction - 0% - $2,975,989

  • Josh

    you seem to be missing Love and Other Drugs on this poll.

  • Karl

    Potter! Potter! Potter! I have my midnight tickets in hand.

  • fullmetal_medji

    I already saw Due Date and Megamind and they were average at best. Due Date had a lot of potential, but I didn’t laugh as much as I thought I would. Throughout the whole time I thinking to myself, “Plains, Trains, and Automobiles is so much better than this movie”. Megamind was more enjoyable, but still very average.

    • 420BAND

      Megamind suffered the curse of “Decent effects-No Heart” syndrome
      it got stale around 30 min in. and I wont even begin on about Jonah Hill’s grating below average voice over

  • AAH

    i can’t believe people are actually excited to see skyline, it looks like garbage

    • David Lopan

      My sentiments exactly. :) I saw Due Date, last night…worth every penny. I laughed like crazy. I’m looking forward to 127 Hours and The Next Three Days. Everything else? Looks like the same garbage I’d see during a summer movie roster.

  • http://www.imoviechat.com terry

    Can’t wait for Skyline and Red Dawn

  • http://www.sambutler.yolasite.com Sam Butler

    Novembers shout for movies should be good.

    Last months were the average!

  • HDpunk

    what? red dawn is coming out this month??? that cant be right, i dont think there’s even a trailer for it yet

    • Cinema-Phreak

      The Wiki Sayeth “Red Dawn is an upcoming war film being directed by Dan Bradley and written by Jeremy Passmore and Carl Ellsworth based on the 1984 film of the same name.[2] The remake stars Chris Hemsworth and Josh Peck as brothers Jed and Matt Eckert. The film was scheduled to be released on November 24, 2010, but is now in limbo due to MGM’s lack of funding. Instead of depicting a Soviet invasion of the United States heartland as in the original 1984 film, this film’s storyline will be based on a Chinese invasion.”

      • 420BAND

        So were gettin’ lead filled toys attacking us this time around? :)

  • 420BAND

    Taking Jr. and wifey to see Megamind tomorrow, filling my need for all things Super Hero.

    November HAS some promise and FINALLY somethin’ to get semi-excited about.

    127 Hours looks amazing (Franco finally gets his due)
    Skyline seems like good popcorn fun
    and was that Red Dawn there at the bottom? C.Thomas Howell Red Dawn?
