Paramount Nabs Rights to Last Man Standing

Last Mand Standing (LMS) made a big splash in this year’s Comic-Con festivities. The graphic novel from Heavy Metal publishing and Daniel LuVisi, made such a big impression, that Paramount has already picked up rights to the film, despite the fact that it hasn’t been released yet. Here’s a description of what LMS is all about.

JoBlo reports:

“Last Man Standing, or LMS, takes place 600 years in the future, in an alternate universe and is about Gabriel, this invincible soldier, who’s been created to help win a war Earth got itself too deep into with Mars. After Gabe wins the war, he comes back down to Earth and is celebrated as this incredible hero. From there, he becomes somewhat of a celebrity, a Superman of this story, but then it all takes a quick turn. Gabriel is framed for an atrocious crime, by a terrorist organization known as Pandemonium and their leader, Dante. He is then sent to Level-9 Facility, where he’ll spend the next nine years in the worst prison of all time. Once Gabriel breaks out, only then does his true story begin, and the lies and twists unravel.”

The story sounds pretty interesting. I’ll probably seek out the graphic novel when it comes out. Glancing at the synopsis, I can imagine this becoming a pretty cool Sci-Fi film, if done right. Here’s hoping…

What do you guys think? You up for this graphic novel? Any ideas on what or who should take a shot at this for Paramount?

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