Nolan Is Directing Batman 3; Filming Starts?

Everyone had assumed this for a very long time. Christopher Nolan, hot off his excellent Inception, has officially confirmed that he, in deed, will be helming the highly anticipated sequel to The Dark Knight. Now, it’s a matter of time until we get more information on the plot and the casting process. Oh, and when does it begin to film? Apparently, Michael Caine knows…

IGN reports:

Nolan spoke with Empire Online today, who asked the Inception and Dark Knight helmer if it was safe to assume that he’s directing Batman 3. “I think you can at this point, yes,” he replied.

Nolan also said, “It’s becoming inevitable, I’ll put it that way. … I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I’m pretty excited about what we’re doing so… If I haven’t announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I’m doing it.”

In other Bat-news, Coming Soon points out that Alfred Pennyworth himself, Sir Michael Caine, appeared on The Chris Moyles Show on BBC Radio 1 Wednesday, where he advised them that Batman 3 will probably begin filming next May and that he assumes he’ll once again be a part of the cast.

This is great news. Although it was expected all along, it’s good to see Nolan getting excited with his own material. He seems to be getting back into creative/directing form after his vacation and Inception tidal wave. With Superman and Batman on his table, who wouldn’t get excited right? I expect awesome things from Nolan for both franchises. But I would be lying if I didn’t tell you guys that I’m more intrigued about how Superman, under his spectrum, would end up like. Plus, filming starts on May? Bringing it on. Let’s get this cracking, I’m pumped up!

What about you guys? You looking forward to Batman 3? Nolan’s Superman version?

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