No Green Lantern Suit for Ryan Reynolds

Sources have it that Ryan Reynolds will not be caught in the Green Lantern suit until WB is good and ready to show it to us.

That’s because the “suit” he is wearing on set is a mocapture bodyglove which will be replaced with the suit later. So Reynolds himself will not be wearing the suit. Ever.

/Film shares:

That’s right. No suit. When I was first told this info, I didn’t believe it. I actually didn’t even consider it as a real possibility. But the information I’m about to reveal has since been backed up by two other independent sources. I stand by this information 150% — this is legit. I risk my reputation on it. Ready for it? Okay…

The suit that Ryan wears on set is a grey tracking motion/performance capture suit with led lights.

This helps keep the fan shots from leaking to the internet, and the technology exists that will make it realistic enough that we wont get the Toon Lantern and Reynolds looking so obviously fake. And the transition from “real costume” to CGI guy flying in the air costume will be smooth.

I am intrigued that they did this, but considering they actually had a SUIT that Robert Downey Jr wears for his Iron Man appearances with the mask up, would it have really been that hard to put Reynolds in some Green Pajamas?

  • 420BAND


  • Roman

    Well we will see into the minds of the graphic designers when it comes to his cup size.

    This is an interesting approach, I’ve seen the best representations of CGI and it still looks fake but if they do the green glow like from the last dragon then they can get away with some things. Can anyone find a youtube link to that song if you got that glow man thats classic. That song is almost as awesome as Straigh to my feet from the Jean Claud Van Dam street fighter movie with MC hammer Look it up people you will piss blood!

  • Lawrence

    I think director Martin Campbell is going to use mocap and CGI extensively for this film, similar to the way the actors in Avatar were filmed. Green Lantern will probably be an eye-candy for the audience. I just hope that it follows the Geoff Johns’ storylines in the comics, which makes it so great for the fanboys and the casual readers alike.

  • Chris

    I wonder why they would want to do that.

  • Jon

    It makes sense to use the CGI for the suit when he’s using his powers. There always a green glow around him so thats fine. However, I see no reason, as you said with Robert Downey Jr. and the Iron Man costume, to not have a regular suit. Too much CGI can take away authentictiy ie) the prequels to Star Wars

  • Hdpunk

    this is ridiculous… i hate the over use of CGI. i appreciate a movie much more when filmmakers go out of there way to use as little CGI as possible.

    • Soggie G.


      I prefer movies that can pull off doing things practical rather than resorting to using CGI.

      it makes it seem like the studio is flaunting the fact that they have the money and are spending it on something that will most likely look really shitty in the end.

  • 420BAND

    As long as it dont look like the Spiderman wrestling suit(the longsleeved t-shirt one)that got full blown CGI for the swinging scenes…It’ll be O.K.

    If not…………

    • James (Haz)

      obviously it wont be anything that looks like human clothing.

      itll look alien. or else they wouldnt be using CGI


  • James (Haz)

    Im guessing itll glow like Dr Manhattan and probably have similar effects to what Zeus’s armor had in CLASH

    Do any of you have any suggestions to what it may look like? Im guessing it will glow to show the godlike alien glow the ring gives its bearer

    • James (Haz)

      I mean, the whole “Leather tight batman fantastic four” thing is becoming a bit of a Cliche’

      im kinda glad they wanna originalize it

  • tzaylor

    This is what I hear coming from the set…”nah, that suit looks like crap too, know what guys, put on the mocap suit, let’s just figure this out later”