New Season of the Witch Poster Online

Posted by on 11. 11. 2010in News Chat

A new poster is online for Nic Cage’s Season of the Witch. I had forgot this was coming out and its a film I am hoping is a sleeper hit.

I like the poster, it does its job. I am already interested in the film. Cage does well when he wants to, and I hope he wants to in this too.




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5 Responses to “New Season of the Witch Poster Online”

  1. Anti-Septic says:

    I didnt expect much from Sorcerer’s apprentice but was pleasantly surprised. Obviously it wasnt his finest work, it was just enjoyable.

    I love the period pieces myself, so I am totally on board for this film.

  2. Bigsampson says:

    I sense a horrible film

  3. 420BAND says:

    Nice Rug!

    It’s sad to say, but by now ALL Nic Cage films are toss-ups
    50/50 it’s a good movie (and to qoute the naked gun) “and then there’s a 50 percent chance of that”

    OHH how I miss the days of “Vampires Kiss”
    poster does it’s job, to keep me away from watchin’ this at the theatre

  4. BobaFett says:

    I can’t wait … it’s a RON PERLMAN movie!

  5. Hailey says:

    It seems offensive to real witches/pagans/wiccans

    What if there was a movie about a group of evil christains?

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