New Poster And Trailer For The Freebie

A new poster and trailer for The Freebie has just been released. Directed and starred by Katie Aselton, alongside Dax Shepard, The Freebie is a small-scale exploration of monogamy and relationships centered around a single high-concept idea: what if each person in the relationship got the night off to sleep with whoever they wanted? The idea is proposed as a means to re-ignite that fire (sex) once more.

It’s a little weird to see Shepard put on a straight face and go all drama on us; but hey, from the trailer, he seems to doing a good job at it. I’m definitely watching this, why? Well, because the concept/idea being proposed is one that is funny, and at the same time, really interesting and challenging. People who have been in a long relationship (especially married couples) are really going to enjoy this “comedy”. If you’ve been involved in a long relationship, no matter who you are, how old you are, or with who you are, the thought about this, has passed your mind at least once; no matter how loyal you are. So it’s a theme that’s both serious and funny, when this idea gets proposed.

What do you think? Would you go ahead with this concept? Do you believe the relationship will be the same after that? Do you want to see this film?

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