New Character Posters for Prince of Persia Online

With the upcoming Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time, I was surprised that we hadn’t seen individual character posters yet. And since my passing moments of whimsy managed to get us Iron Man 2 Character posters, I clenched my eyes and wished really hard.

Then in my email this morning I got these:

Some pretty nifty images, and not that I needed to be reminded but Gemma is looking beautiful as ever.

  • Soggie G.

    I Don’t know Why but When I look at Kingsley I am Somehow reminded of Jafar From Aladdin.

  • Schulzy

    I’m of the opinion that this movie is going to be pretty bad. I haven’t played the game and I understand that being faithful to the game can be a big factor in how people receive the movie, but I just don’t think this looks like anything great. I’m also a little weary because they put up that “from the producer of…” tag. That tells me either that it’s a Pixar film, or that they don’t think the movie is that strong. (And I don’t think this is a Pixar film.)

    And why is Jake Gyllenhaal’s name on the character posters that, y’know, AREN’T him?

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101)

      Play the game. You’ll understand why everyone loves the look of the film.

      • Jon

        Im a bit skepitcal of the movie as well especially since im a huge fan of the games. I think that they definitely nailed the special effects in relation to the game though. Thats a big part. Along with the God of War Trilogy, the Prince of Persia games are amazing and some of the best games ever. My only wish was that Disney wasn’t making this film. Warrior Within and The Two Princes had a much darker tone to them and it would have been nice for the movie to got that way.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101)

        You’re making the common mistake of thinking “Disney”=”Mickey Mouse-esque” kinda films. Disney owns brands like Touchstone and Miramax; under those names, Disney’s produced heavy, dark films like Pulp Fiction (well, not dark and heavy, but definitely not “Disney”, right?), Trainspotting, Good Will Hunting (all Miramax) and Die Hard: With A Vengeance, Face/Off, and, if I’m not mistaken, The Prestige (all Touchstone).

        Disney’s more than capable of making dark-duty stuff and I’m actually glad that Disney’s the one producing PoP:SoT…..they have the technology to back such a huge production up and, more importantly, they have the credentials.

      • Jon

        True and some of those films are my favorites especially Trainspotting. However, it because of those types of films that Disney uses their other companies. They would never advertise Die Hard With a Vengeance brought to you by Disney. Therefore, I have a feeling that Disney isn’t going to tap into the real tone of the story. They’ll keep it light and kiddy. If they released through Miramax or Touchtone they would have been able to incorporate mature aspects of the story well at least in term of the violence. I doubt we’ll see any blood. Also, when people see the Disney logo on a poster they automatically think that the film is going to be for kids. Like I said before though and agree with you, Disney does have the technology for this film so I’m happy they made in that regards. And yes I agree they have credentials but I need to see the film before giving them more praise.

      • Rodney

        But also remember that despite this being a Disney film… it is truly going to be a Jerry Bruckheimer film.

        This has the Pirates of the Caribbean vibe written all over it.

      • Jon

        This is true and I forgot to mention that. If it’s like the first Pirates then I don’t have a problem. But if its like the third one forget all hope is lost.

      • Harsh (gypsydreams101)

        There I have to agree with you-if it’s anything like PotC: 3, we’re dead…..Bruckheimer seems to believe, rather foolishly, “bigger is better”…..the PotC films kept getting bigger and bigger till they exploded. Hopefully, after all the flak At World’s End received, he’ll be a bit more cautious.

        Having said that, this film looks like it has just the right amount of dazzle and shine…..however, I could be wrong. But since I am God, that seems hardly likely.

        Facts apart, coming to the Disney thing…..of course they’re gonna label this a Disney film! It’s a video game adaptation where the major intended players were in the 12-25 range (a demographic which was surpassed in great numbers, of course)…..but it doesn’t change the fact that this movie/game was made for teens and tweens! Come on! Think about it: a perfectly chiseled guy with long hair, a penchant for breaking the rules, a badass dagger, a HOT princess and PARFUCKINGKOUR!

  • Ken

    Amazing posters for Jake an Gemma their perfect for as being identical to the characters from the game.3rd poster is OK(doesn’t stand out as a hardcore villain or anything).

    An Gemma is indeed looking very gorgeous.

    May can’t get here soon enough.

  • Danny

    Nice. While I still have a bit of a problem with the casting (I mean really they couldn’t find a Middle Eastern man to lead this, I halfway think that Cal Penn could have pulled it off even though he is not from the Middle East) I’m a big fan of the game so I will still be watching this somewhere opening weekend.

    Has any music from the movie been released yet? Personally they could just use the exact same tracks from the game and I would be happy, especially the Final Battle and the Ending Credits

    • Rodney

      Name one middle eastern actor who has the star power to headline a movie this big?

      Right. A guy with a tan will do just fine.

      This is hardly the first time a white guy has played a middle eastern. Hell Kingsley is in this too and the guy has played Gandhi.

      Its not a big deal.

      • Danny

        Name one middle eastern actor who has the star power to headline a movie this big?

        Right. A guy with a tan will do just fine.

        Even Jake Gyllenhaal or any other current big talent had to get a big break performance to get his/her name out there like it is today. What’s the harm in staring with an unknown? Its not like not having a big name equals fail.

        Oded Fehr (Carlos Olivera from the second and thrid Resident Evil movies) could have played the Vizier.

        Like I said in the end I’ll be watching this one anyway. Just think it could have been casted differently.

      • Indian2

        To clarify…Ben Kingsley is Indian (well, half Indian). His father is Indian, and his family is from the same state in India as Gandhi. It makes sense that he played Gandhi. Also, Kingsley recently did a Bollywood (India’s version of Hollywood) movie “Teen Patti”, playing a Caucasian man. So, as far as actors playing certain ethnic roles go, sometimes it does make a difference, and sometimes it doesn’t…just a thought from an Indian.

      • Rodney

        Kingsley is also the whitest half indian on the planet. Even half indian he still doesnt look Indian.

        And in this he is middle eastern (not indian) and still looks the part.

      • Jon

        Kingsley’s birth name is Krishna which is such a Indian name and I love it. Yes he doesnt look Indian at all but can pass for Middle Eastern in a movie or real life. With that said, he’s going to be just fine in the role because he’s Sir Ben Kingsley thats why.

    • Harsh (gypsydreams101)

      Yo, Danny, I’m from India and I consider what you said extremely racist. Not enough for me to beat on you here and start one of those pointless debates, but seriously, having Kal Penn play a Middle Eastern guy coz “all dem furriners look the same, y’know” is the reason comments like yours get blown outta proportion (for a reason).

      A few months ago, when Ninja Assassin was going to release, there was a huge issue on this very site about how they were gonna cast Rain as the lead in the remake of Enter the Dragon. Loads of Asian folk went apeshit on everybody coz Rain is Korean while Bruce Lee was/is Chinese. The producers of the remake, Warner Bros., were apparently thinking along the same line as you: that the Orientals all look the same, whether they’re from China, Japan or Korea. At the time, I was studying in Singapore and that one single piece of news created a controversy far unparalleled by any other.

      Anyway, it’s not gonna kill me to read what you wrote, but I’d just suggest reigning in comments like those. Indians and the Middle Easters are far, far different. If you think that they should’ve gotten a Persian to play the role of a Persian, and instead they cast an Indian, well guess what? The Persians’re still scratching their heads over the decision……

      • Danny

        You know what you’re right. That was a pretty insensitive thing for me to say. No excuses for thinking that someone of different decent could pull it off. My bad.

  • cloud720

    Is Jake Gyllenhaal so big of a star that they have to put his name on top of a movie title?