Morgan Freeman Talks Batman 3

During the press tour for his new film RED, actor Morgan Freeman talks a little bit about Batman 3. Will Freeman reprise his Lucius Fox character in The Dark Knight follow-up? Here’s the clip thanks to IGN…

Basically, Freeman has been kept in the dark by Nolan and company. Apparently, he doesn’t know anything. We all assume, as probably he does too, that Mr. Fox will come back for the next sequel. I hope he does. If this is true, that he doesn’t know anything regarding Batman 3, we can see how Nolan and company work: Nobody knows but them, for now.

What do you think? Freeman returns? What will Mr. Fox be doing in the sequel? Take your best guess…

  • Richard M

    Ughhh…why do we need sequel after sequel of all these comic to movie films? The first Dark Knight was so-so at best. Take away Keith Ledger’s death and this film would of fell between the cracks at the Oscars. The first Batman with Keaton was good, each one after that was a train wreck. Same as the original Superman with Reeves, first was great rest were horrible. The new superman movie with Routh was horrible. The Hulk was ok, sequel was horrible. Spider-man same, 1st good, rest bad. I’m not even gonna comment on Fantasic 4….geez. Leave these movies alone and put your efforts to making a new film on other comic characters. Maybe a film on Beyonder? That way you can have all the comic book hero’s fighting him at once and get all the eye candy you will need

  • Joe

    I think he’ll be back…. May be Bruce apologize him….. I dont think he’ll come as a villan, actully i dont want him as villan….. Hope he comes…..

  • Kevin C

    Tom Hardy has been cast in Batman 3! Amazing news, hopefully he is a villain…let the speculation begin.

  • 420BAND

    well, that told me nothing
    of coarse he comin’ back

  • Lawrence

    Morgan Freeman will return as Lucius Fox for part 3. He’s too valuable for this trilogy for not to appear, even if Fox resolved to leave Bruce Wayne and his company over ethical issues on spying everyone using Wayne Tech equipment.

  • cloud720

    I wonder if he will bring out a batmobil similar to comics

  • Steven

    I think he’ll be back, though not in any significant way. I think he’ll return for his minor role as a sort of Q for Batman, providing him gadgets and information.