Mickey Rourke To Become The Ice Man

Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke has been one busy dude since he completed his successful comeback. After battling it out with Iron Man, Rourke has been looking at bringing the story of underworld hit man, Richard “The Ice Man” Kuklinski, to the big screen. Apparently, Rourke will get to do this role.

IGN reports:

Production company Natural Selection announced today that it’s secured the financing to adapt Philip Carlo’s true crime book The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer, and has set David McKenna (American History X, Blow) to pen the script. Rourke has been circling the project since last fall.

The Ice Man recounts the life and crimes of Richard “The Ice Man” Kuklinski who for over 40 years led a completely secretive double life as both a notorious professional assassin and a doting husband and father in suburban New Jersey.

“Richard Kuklinski’s life and Philip Carlo’s true account, three years in the making, is fascinating and unlike any mafia story that’s been brought to the big screen,” said Natural Selection CEO Matty Beckerman in a statement issued from he Toronto International Film Festival. “This is a role Mickey Rourke was born to play and as a huge fan of David McKenna’s work, I am thrilled to have him on board.”

Like Beckerman said, this is a role Rourke was born to play. Rourke has been doing some good/decent acting since Sin City. He has also managed to stay concentrated on his acting career, which is very important. Stories like this are always welcomed and interesting. If done well, this could be a great project for Rourke. Looking forward to this getting made. Loved Rourke in The Sin City and The Wrestler. Also, looking forward to watching him get into the action in the The Expendables 2.

What do you think of this role for Rourke? You like Rourke’s acting? Personality? Interested in this hit man real story?

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