Michael Caine Talks Inception’s Ending - Spoiler Warning!

SPOILER WARNING - Inception is perhaps the best movie of 2010. Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece regarding dreams was both loved by critics and a box office hit. Going back to it, one of the elements that make Inception so awesome is it’s ending - which is open to interpretation. In an interview with the BBC’s Chris Moyles, Michael Caine gave his opinion on the film’s ambiguous final shot. For those who haven’t seen the film, Caine’s opinion may or may not spoil the movie. With that said….SPOILER WARNING!!!

AICN reports:

Caine says that Leonardo’s no longer in a dream & that the final scene is real. I.e. the spinning top falls.

I personally think that Nolan’s intention was to spark discussion. One that grows right after you watch that ending. As the movie itself, the ending is really open to any interpretation out there. Caine’s ending, would be the “happy ending” one. Although I don’t mind it, because I knew it was a clear option as to what the ending meant, I think it’s the “boring” one. Personally, I’d go with the other clear option for the ending - the “he’s still dreaming” one. This makes the movie more serious, sad, and by far fascinating. I’m good with the final shot - I loved it. The movie was elevated to another level thanks to this ending. So, I personally believe the ambiguous ending is open to any interpretation forever. I don’t think that Nolan will EVER state what is the correct or wrong answer to this.

What do you guys think? What are your thoughts on Caine’s comments? What’s your interpretation on Inception’s final shot?

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