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December 21, 2010

MGM Restructuring Plan Starts with Cash

— Posted by Rodney

MGM Studios has new bosses calling the shots and the new restructuring plan includes a cash infusion of $500million keeping the doors open and hopes of bringing this studio back from the brink.

Collider quotes:

“Beginning today, MGM is a stronger, more competitive company, with a solid financial foundation and a bright future. MGM is emerging from one of the most challenging periods of its storied history. We are honored and inspired at the opportunity of leading one of Hollywood’s most iconic studios into its next generation of unforgettable filmmaking, global television production and distribution and aggressively pursuing, developing and exploiting new digital platforms.”

Now this sounds very noble and a lot of positive buzz is supposed to be generated here, but I wonder exactly how MGM is going to dig themselves out of this hole, even with new management by Spyglass entertainment founders Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum.

The studio is approximately $5billion in debt, and they have been given $500million to fund their road to recovery.

Granted the studio still owns the rights to James Bond and The Lord of the Rings (which in turn means The Hobbit) so there is some potential money trucks there. But lets put this in real terms.

Five Billion dollars =
1.85 Avatars
2 Lord of the Ring Trilogies
2.7 Titanics
4.7 Toy Story 3’s
The First six Harry Potter Films
The Combined total of all 23 James Bond movies

Thinking of their debt with those numbers alone in consideration (not merchandising, DVD sales etc) it still seems that debt is unsurmountable.

My only hope for the studio is that they manage to continue producing the movies I want to see, or that those properties end up in the hands of someone who will respect them.

I honestly think this infusion of cash is just going to hold them on til they get things sorted out before they push daisies.

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  • Robert

    They own the rights to Stargate, if this now means they now have money to invest, The SG1 and Atlantis films will finally be green lighted.. Yippe..

    The Stargate franchise is one of MGM’s potential best earners, after Bond..

  • Haywood Jabowmi

    5 fu(king BILLION??

    I like bond films and I like LOTR but 5 billion??

    other studios must be waiting to buy rights up for the cheap.

    its going to happen

  • prateek

    i have heard that to start on the road of recovery, they are relying on their most trustworthy brand “James Bond” and they are planning to start the production of this movie real soon, is that right?
    If it is right, when is the movie is expected to come out?

  • RaX

    $5billion in debt….



  • Kevin C

    Nicely put there Rodney…I was thinking when I first heard this “with The Hobbit and Bond, it should be fairly easy to get back into the black…” but maybe not. They can’t afford to mess up on any of the tentpoles and need to be smart about smaller projects…The bigger question is, how did they get so deep into debt?

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