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November 5, 2010

Martin Sheen to play Ben Parker in Spider-Man Reboot

— Posted by Rodney

The casting news for the rebooted Spider-Man has added another confirmed cast member. Martin Sheen will play Parker’s Uncle Ben, who raises Peter like his own son. Second only to the radioactive spider that gave him his powers, Ben is a big part of why Peter becomes Spider-Man.

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In perhaps the greatest piece of casting in any movie for the last decade, former fictional President of the United States, and forever President of Awesome, Martin Sheen will be taking on the role of Uncle Ben in Marc Webb’s Spider-man.

I really like this casting.

Sheen can have a real fatherly figure presence to him and as Ben Parker I couldn’t think of anyone better. Just a shame that so much awesomeness gets to get shot dead during first act.

What do you think of Martin Sheen as Ben Parker?

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  • hazmat

    II still think “Dr cox ” from the show Shrubs is the perfect jj jamison . Who cares about uncle Ben? We all know wat happens to him

  • Scott

    I’m starting to see this movie as a really strange idea, why not just continue the story. We already know how it all began and I liked how the films went as far as developing the story.

    Most fans of the last three are all still very young or old enough to still see the faces of the whole cast, that going back over the same old story can’t really work for me.

  • 420BAND

    Interesting Pick

  • kingl

    As long as Peter remembers, “never get out of the boat”

  • Steven

    I hate this reboot.

    • Rodney

      No, you hate some of the news revolving around it.

      You can’t hate a movie that doesn’t exist yet. You can disagree with this casting, but you can’t hate a movie until we see how it comes together.

      • Steven

        Well, I don’t disagree with the casting, I love Martin Sheen. But I hate this movie.

        I don’t even have to see it, I hate it. It’s completely unnecessary and the epitome of greed, just to keep the Spiderman film rights. The original Spiderman was so good because the driving force behind the movie was Raimi’s passion, not cash; but this is about money and nothing else.

        And why go back to the origin story? We JUST saw that. It doesn’t matter how good this reboot is, it’s the same film with different actors. And yes, I know it’s a business and the goal is to make money, and I gladly shell out my money for good films, but I refuse to support something so blatantly greedy and useless.

        If this was 30 years later, it would be a different story, but the original films are still fresh. I hope it fails miserably.

      • Chris

        Actually the more I hear about this the more I like it. I mention in my own blog how promising this movie sounds despite its lack of necessity due to the talent involved. Webb directed on of the best movies in the past couple years with a very honest portrayal of a relationship. Stone and Garfield are two very promising young actors, and Sheen adds a large amount of credibility to all of it.

        It could still fail massively no doubt. But I’m optimistic.

      • Bigsampson

        I think you missed his point you cant really say “But I hate this movie.” you hate the idea of this movie.

      • pacheco

        Right, you hate the Idea of it being made; you can’t really hate something that hasn’t come to be. I agree with you that making a reboot is unnecessary it would have been just as fine if they would have continued the story line with different actors. And even a different director as long as they didn’t fall under the Batman & Robin Movies, where they completely went the other way.

      • BAh

        Look, Raimi’s films aren’t really -that great- and the first Spidey movie was pretty gawddamn weak actually.

        But I, nor anyone else, needs another origin story. That’s where this Spiderman fails.

  • Andrew

    I don’t know, I think that he’s too big of a star to be playing this part. I’m not saying that he’ll be terrible at it, but it will be a case of, instead of me watching it and saying, “Hey, it’s Uncle Ben!” it will be me watching it and saying, “Hey, it’s Martin Sheen!” Personally, I would have preferred it to be Paul Haddad, a voice actor who has done some live-action.

    • Bigsampson

      not really IMO. He is perfect. He just got done doing TV for a few years I think taking on the most important influence to one of the 3 top super heroes of all time (supes and batman the others)is great.

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