Makenzie Foy joins Twilight Breaking Dawn

The latest name to join the Cullen Coven is the much rumoured and speculated offspring Renesmee, and the young actress to play that part will be Mackenzie Foy.

Geeks of Doom shares:

Meyer reveals that Mackenzie Foy has joined the cast of the two-part final movie. The 9-year-old actress will play the part of (SPOILER Warning?) Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart)

I like that they use a ? with the spoiler warning.

The only people still paying attention to this franchise are the die hards, and even fringe fans know the basis of the epilogue-turned-novel Breaking Dawn is that Bella and Edward get married and have some demonspawn telepathic baby that grows at an alarming rate, and is very much the topic of discussion in the climactic chit-chat between the Cullen army and the Volturi.

Also, not that people need more reasons to make fun of Twilight, but Renesmee is the dumbest name EVER, and I am comparing it to such monikers as Moonbeam and Apple.

I have never seen this young actress before and her only credits seem to be a couple TV episodes and then this… but something tells me she is getting a boost in popularity.

IMDB thinks so:

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