Lorenzo Di Bonaventura Talks Salt 2

In one of those press junkets for RED, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura talked a little bit about the possibility of a Salt sequel. Earlier this summer he stated that if Salt did good business in the box office, that a sequel was a big possibility. Now that Salt has made $117 domestically with an additional $166 million overseas, Bonaventura was asked once again about the sequel.

CinemaBlend reports:

There’s been some small amounts of talk about it. It’s a really cool character. It’s like no other real character we’ve seen in that genre. Bond and Bourne live in pretty black and white worlds, and Salt lives in a gray world.

[Angelina Jolie is] very excited about the character. I hope that’s something we pursue. It’s us coming up with a very different kind of plot again. Maybe we were too complicated the first time around. As a filmmaker, the depth, the more complexity the project has, usually it’s a more fulfilling experience. If you try to be too clever, the audience are going to say, ah, come on. Salt allows very extreme reactions. That’s the fun of RED too. I’d love to play with those characters again.

I have no problem with a sequel to this one. Angelina did a great job kicking ass in the first one. The ending left it open for her to, well, kick even more ass. Now, if the story is at least good as the first one, I’m all for it. Like they said, maybe less complex and more action this time around.

You guys want Salt 2? What plot would you like to see if this is made? Sequel or Prequel?

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