Local Cop Causes Accident on Transformers 3 Set

Filming of Transformers 3 was interupted yesterday because of a car accident on set. Now this wouldn’t be the first time a stunt driver caused damage on the set - that comes with the job description.

However this time the accident was caused by a Washington Police Officer responding to a call and decided to ignore the closed road figuring it to be the fastest route to his destination. Well the road was closed so they could film some of the Transformers driving, and shortly after the intrusive driver sidesteps Optimus Prime he meets Bumblebee, who’s driver was unable to stop and struck the Officer’s SUV.

And it was caught on video:

Bumblebee got right messed in the nose there. It was said that the officer was taken to a local hospital so I have to assume he received some injury. When he doesn’t get out of his car right away I wondered if that injury was to his pride after he realized he smashed a car on a Hollywood set.


  • http://godfathersauto.blogspot.com/ GODFATHER

    I’ve seen this clip 4 times now, and every time I watch it, I notice something new!

    First, the accident (I was too busy watching Prime).
    Second, Ironhide and Ratchet following Prime.
    Third, the Corvette (can’t remember who that is) following the Big 3.
    Now, the Ferrari 348 just narrowly missing smacking BumbleBee from behind! Imagine that scene, and the cost!!!

    If Bay’s interested, we have a Bumble Bee edition Camaro at my local Chev dealer with a $10 000 price reduction!!! I’ll personally deliver it, if Paramount wants! :D

  • isaiah

    if i were there when this happened i would’ve ran out on set crying hysterically and yelling BUMBLE BEE!!!!!!!, and someone should put that trumpet song on like when a soldier dies, while they’re covering bumble bee with that cover

  • Josh

    this news made my day today…the thing that bothers me though is the fact that bumblebee’s nose got destroyed so easily…ive seen someone t-bone a hummer with less damage to their car.

  • Tycent

    damn true

  • TigerClaw

    It was clearly the cop whose at fault here, As for the Camaro, I don’t think its anything to worry about because they typically have more then one of the same vehicle for filming. So once all this is cleared, They can go back to filming the scene again and this time be more prepared.

  • Andrew C

    Damn, it seems more likely that the stunt driver would’ve been injured than the cop. Bumblebee got freakin DESTROYED by the cop’s truck!

  • ArvindSearwar

    i just wonder if this will put a damper on filming. Do they have any replacements? I suppose that they might within a day or so because these cars are now mass produced. Saleen made the original Bumblebee from molds and the frame of another car.
    this crash seems very serious in the case for the car. migh be listed as a salvage option now. The insurance on the car must also be high.

    i just wonder, where is Michael Bay in all of this? lol

    aside: blowing up some stuff

  • vamp

    I take it they were filming on a public street in Washington (“Washington Police Officer”) and not a closed Hollywood set?

    Film makers often get access to public streets for free. In an emergency situation, what takes precedence? Should Police be able to go through film sets on public property to respond to an emergency call (put a siren on and people have to move out of the way) or should the police have to go the long way around?
    Does the same hold true for other emergency services such as ambulances and fire trucks?
    How do people feel about this?

    • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

      I agree that its not a bad thing that he cut through the set, but due diligence would suggest that he make sure nothing is exploding or cars racing on these streets that were clearly CLOSED for filming.

      Telling security to stop filming so they could pass would have taken moments. What if a car was exploding? This officer could have been killed if the driver hit him the wrong way. This was negligence on the cop’s part.

      And film makers do not get access to public streets for free if they need to close them off like this. They have to pay for permits and often off duty cops for security to close off sections of the street to film. It isn’t like this was just an open access the cop happened to come down. There were stunt drivers performing here on a closed section of road.

      • robb wo

        for discussion: what if a delay of him getting to the scene caused more damage (someone killed, fire, crime being completed)? possible lawsuit? would him having to go around, rather than through, on a normally public street result in a worse outcome? i agree he could’ve spent a few extra seconds to ensure safety, like he would in any situation - movie set or just everyday scenario. But what about the person he was responding to? should they have had to wait because a movie was filming between him and the police?

      • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

        And this oversight may have resulted in even MORE damage as clearly this officer never made it to the scene he was headed to.

        It was an error in judgment. 20 seconds sooner and the story would be “cop races through set between takes”

        I am not saying it was a bad decision to cut through this set on a closed road - it was a bad decision to do it without taking the second to tell them to hold shooting for 3 seconds while he raced through.

        There are security and personel with radios posted at the outside of the closed set, and they could have easily have said STOP to the drivers and actors on set to let him go through safely. He opted not to and took his chances. For all he knew, there was a staged crash blocking the entire road.

        Stopping briefly is by far the more wise choice, and he would have made it through safely and to his destination with efficiency.

        There is no lawsuit (aside from maybe the studio suing the police here) if a cop doesnt get to a location because he was forced to take another route. There could be construction - Would he sue them? Car accident blocking the road - Would he sue them?

        He was responding and put aside common sense to get to his destination faster. The oversight cost everyone something.

  • AAH

    I remembered in the making of the 1st movie, the filmmakers said they have to try their best not to land a single scratch on the yellow camaro aka Bumblebee because they can’t get another replacement vehicle. BTW it seems like everything bad is happening with T3 on set, a woman was seriously injured before and I think she’s suing, now a Police Officer is injured..

    • Adam Sroka

      That’s because the Bumblebee on the original movie was a prototype. Now they are production cars (I’ve got one.) Take an SS Camaro from any Chevy dealer, give it a little trim and polish, and it will look just like Bumblebee.