Jon Hamm for Superman Rumors Begin Again

Rumors have started once again. They have the studio strongly considering Jon Hamm as Superman in the future reboot. Written by David S. Goyer and godfathered by Christopher Nolan, the Superman reboot is slated for a December 2012 release. Since the reboot was announced, rumors have basically revolved around Hamm and Brandon Routh.

CinemaBlend reports:

TMT has gotten info from “sources” that Hamm is being heavily considered for the next Superman project, which is being written by David S. Goyer and produced by Christopher Nolan. The site does cover itself by saying that Hamm has not yet met with representatives from Warner Bros., nor has a deal been extended to him. Hamm spoke about the role with MTV back in February, and while he didn’t dismiss the notion entirely, he sees a distinctive challenge in the role.
“It’s a tricky road to go down with some of those heroes, because they’re not flawed. Superman is Superman — he’s invincible, so where’s the drama?”

Like I said in the last post about this rumor, Jon Hamm would be an awesome veteran Superman. If Nolan and Goyer go the seasoned Superman route, Hamm would definitely own the role. He has the look and the acting chops to portray Superman in his day to day role as protector. Now, if the plot doesn’t cover Superman like this, then I can see Hamm’s age being a problem; specially if they are going to try to make a franchise/trilogy out of this. One strong option would be to film all films or at least sequels, all back to back. Remember, Hamm is 39 right now. Still, if the role goes to Hamm or Routh, I have no problems.

What do you guys think? Should the story go hand in hand with Hamm’s age? Should Hamm or Routh get the role? Any other actor you would give the role to?

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