I Love You Phillip Morris To Be Released December 3rd

Finally! After numoreous release dates that didn’t happened, I Love You Phillip Morris will be released this coming Christmas. Starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor, the film was first screened at Sundance 2009. It got warm reviews and lots of great buzz. Written and directed by Bad Santa screenwriters, Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, this film was to be released on February, March, April, and later on July. Finally it looks like this time is for real.

Collider reports:

I Love You Phillip Morris is finally getting an American release. According to Deadline, Luc Besson’s EuropaCorp, which produced the film, has made a deal with Roadside Attractions and Liddell Entertainment to have the film distributed on December 3rd with full advertising to promote the release. The movie, inspired by a true story, stars Jim Carrey as Steven Russell, a con-man who meets and falls in love with his prison cellmate, Phillip Morris, played by Ewan McGregor. After Morris’ release, Russell repeatedly escapes prison in order to see him again. Already released internationally (and garnering a 81% “Fresh” rating on RottenTomatoes in the process), the film is sure to be controversial, albeit critically lauded, upon its release in America.

I’m glad to see this particular film finally getting a US release date. From what I’ve seen/heard it’s a great, funny story; that when they state it’s based on a true story, it’s quite fascinating. Remember, since it was screened, it has received great reviews. So I’m really looking forward to watching one of my all-time favorite actors deliver on this film. Looking forward to this.

You guys want to see this? What’s your take on the premise?

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