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August 20, 2010

Google: The Movie?

— Posted by Francisco

The Social Network, which basically tells the story of how Facebook came to be, comes out on October 2010. Now we may have another “popular internet success story” turned into a film.

JoBlo reports:

Producer Michael London (SIDEWAYS) has optioned the rights to the book “Googled: The End of the World As We Know It,” which tells the story of Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. While SOCIAL NETWORK is a somewhat unflattering portrait of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, GOOGLED would be nicer to its subjects. One of Brin and Page’s credos while starting the company was “You can make money without doing evil” and the movie will focus on how two “nice guys” made one of the most popular and successful companies in the world.

Hey, like I said when TSN was announced. I’ve always like movies like this, one’s that give you an insight into what goes on “behind-the-scenes” for an idea/product to become a moneymaking popular success. If The Social Network does make good decent money, and it somewhat garners good reviews, we might see this Google film fast forwarded. Again, I have no problems with movies like these ones. Bring it on! I’d watch it.

Would you be interested in watching a movie about Google’s creation and development?

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7 thoughts on “Google: The Movie?

  1. What about a movie on TheMovieBlog

    It could be called “Opinionated”.

    Mickey Rourke could play Rodney, Antonio Banderas would play Francisco, and Jim Carrey could play John.

    Let’s doo itttttttt.

  2. I don’t know really, not until I learn more, if a Goggle movie did happen.

    I do want to see The Social Network though. But that’s because it’s going to be dark and edgy. It’s also being directed by David Fincher, Mr. Fight Club and Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Plus Trent Reznor, the main man of Nine Inch Nails is doing the movie’s soundtrack. So all of those things combined add up to be a chance for something REALLY special for me.

    If they do make a Google movie and it can get a really good director behind it, with a good story, then ya, I’d give it a chance.

  3. Count in Digg, MySpace, Friendster, Bing, Yahoo and Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Multiply, Photobucket as potential movies as well … lol

  4. I love the Google. I wish it was a person so I could make love to it and make little human-google hybrid babies. So yeah, I’d see it, assuming it played in a theater near me (seems like it probably wouldn’t be a wide-release).

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