Gatchaman Production Trailer Online

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With Imagi studios quitting the animation game (at least from their own studios) the Gatchaman movie may never see a silver screen.

But as a glimmer of hope, and a tease of what likely will never be, the footage of an early production trailer has found its way online.

My heart skipped a geeky beat, and when it was over I was washed with sadness that this movie wont likely happen now with Kevin Munroe and Paul Dini leaving the project over creative differences.

This was my first fandom. In North America we got the toned down version titled Battle of the Planets, but everyone I ever knew called it G-Force.

I have a very special spot in my soul for this series, and it was looking to shape up into a hell of an animated feature, appropriately updating the look of the characters to be future cool which I thought was going to be the hardest part of adapting this.

The music sounds a little video gamey, and those badguys have the absolute WORST aim. Like 80s GiJoe aim. Automatic weapons riddling the area where two guys are standing still and not one glancing shot. Were you trying to miss?

Anyways, it looks super cool, but sadly will likely never happen unless Imagi pulls their pants up and gets it finished just so it doesn’t go to waste.


  • moronic50

    Whilst Wiki lists Imagi Animation Studios as being defunct their website is still alive and kicking (it’s even listing positions for hire!). But then again it’s news section hasnt been updated since late 2009. I wonder if they are simply trying to flock a half finished movie to investors to try and get the remaining funding together to polish off the film.

    Imagi went into trouble during the final stages of Astro Boy being made? pity that film turned out pretty horribly…

    • Rodney

      Wikipedia is unreliable user generated content. I wouldnt count that as proof.

      Imagi announced they were closing their animation studio (Imagi’s parent company does other things) and though they would not be creating things in house, it is possible Imagi may produce films that smaller animation studios have put together.

      The future of Gatchaman is not clear, though they still hold the film rights.

  • Unforgiven

    It reminds me of an old Playstation 2 game.

  • mad claw

    It’s a shame Gatchaman will never be release!

  • Harsh (gypsydreams101)

    Wow…..that looked interesting……

  • bigsampson

    looks like crap.

  • Lawrence

    Get Michael Bay to rescue this movie.

  • Steve S

    I used to race home after shcool to watch this…waaay back. I hope they follow through with looks cool.

  • Royal

    That was sweet! Thanks for sharing! I remember watching the show back in Virginia Beach in ’79, I guess it was. At least I think it was Gatchaman/G-Force. I have a memory of a character (the one who drove the car) going rogue and sitting on the edge of a crater of an asteroid and smirking. I remember thinking, ‘hey, that’s not right! He’s supposed to be a good guy!’ Haha! Right/wrong was so black/white back then.