Fox Loves Damon Lindelof’s Alien Prequel Script; Wants Natalie Portman

Last time we touched on this, Lost co-creator and writer, Damon Lindelof, was hired to re-write the script for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel. So what’s the status? How does Fox feel about Lindelof’s take?

Collider reports:

Vulture is now reporting that Lindelof has turned in his script and that the execs over at 20th Century Fox love it. Part of the reason they like it so much is that it doesn’t add expensive set pieces but remains “creatively engaging”. They’re also happy that that script keeps the project at a PG-13 rating. Finally, this new picture is meant to return the franchise to its roots and is more off a horror-suspense film than an Aliens-style action flick.

However, there’s still going to be a space marine. Hit the jump for more on who Fox wants to play the lead.

Although Ellen Ripley won’t be present, the franchise is still going to have a female protagonist. According to Vulture, Natalie Portman is Fox’s top choice to play the role of a female Colonial Marine general. Portman recently decided not to star in the adaptation of Seth Grahme-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. However, she’s attached to a variety of other projects including Cloud Atlas, Important Artifacts, Best Buds, and possibly The Brothers Grimm: Snow White. The second choice for the role is the previously-reported Noomi Rapace, who starred in the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and will make her English-language debut in Sherlock Holmes 2.

Here’s a brief rundown of what else we know about the prequels:

* The plan is to film two prequels, both of which will be shot in 3D.

* The action takes place thirty years prior to the events of the first Alien movie.

* Scott says the film is about “the discussion of terraforming — taking planets and planetoids and balls of earth and trying to terraform, seed them with the possibilities of future life.”

* The prequels will elaborate on how “The Space Jockey” fits into the world of Alien

I’m all for this Ridley Scott prequel. I can’t say enough about Damon Lindelof’s work as a writer mastermind (love Lost!). So I’m not surprised Lindelof delivered big time for Fox. I still think they should go for the R rating. If they don’t, it’s understandable, and I won’t lose sleep. It’s ok. Regarding Portman (love her too!) if they can sign her, they’ll have a great lead for this prequel. Imagine her as a Marine, shave head and all. She’d nail it (oh). But, I don’t think she’ll do this. That’s my hunch. She has other projects in the way. We’ll see what happens…

What do you think about Fox’s reaction to Lindelof’s re-write? Portman as the lead?

  • fritzilla

    Does every Alien movie HAVE to have a female lead? I mean really, is that a requirement to enjoy a well thought out movie about Aliens? Don’t get me wrong, Ripley is one of the all time greatest heroines. I love Alien and Aliens. But now after a couple AvP movies with heroines and now the prequels, I wonder if this should be called “Strong Female Lead” instead of Alien.

    I am just saying that I wouldn’t mind an original script that might not HAVE to have the obvious rip off.

    As for the other stuff, I am bummed we are getting a PG-13. I can’t take that seriously followed by the comment: “meant to return the franchise to its roots and is more off a horror-suspense film”

    Anyway, I am a huge fan of the franchise so I am still optimistic.

    I do like the terraforming take and the Space Jockey part also. We shall see.

  • Steven

    “it doesn’t add expensive set pieces but remains “creatively engaging”. They’re also happy that that script keeps the project at a PG-13 rating…The plan is to film two prequels, both of which will be shot in 3D.”

    So we’re gonna get a tamed-down Alien film overloaded with CGI and gimmicky 3-D…and as good as Portman is, I just don’t think she could play a “colonial marine general” well. She doesn’t have the “bad-ass” gene.

    • jamesmrj

      I think Rapace would do a much better job. Portman comes off as too whinny for me.

  • Mr. James

    I’ve got HUGELY high hopes for this one. The problem with prequels are the knowledge that the audience has about the movies that have come before it and the future plots that they portray. In this one everyone believes that everyone will die. If the studios really wanted to reboot this franchise they should have the script written with a cryosleep ending for Portman’s character and then wake up in a future where Ripley’s character can truly die off and pass the torch to Portman’s character thus moving the story along into a bigger better future with a familiar and YOUNGER actress.

    See? Why can’t studios get their heads around these sort of things? If they want to make movies and still satisfy fans they’ve got to get creative in their thinking. Let’s hope they got it right with this one.