First Look At Tom Cruise Filming New Mission Impossible

The studio isn’t wasting time in getting this ready. Apparently filming has begun on the new Mission Impossible reboot in Prague, Czech Republic. Accidental Sexiness has posted a gallery of photos featuring Cruise dressed in a multitude of outfits ranging from a Bruce Springsteen fan to Joseph Stalin. Enjoy…

  • Carla

    Thank you for posting this! This is new news to me. Love your blog!

    No matter what they are calling this movie, a reboot or a sequel, I look forward to it. Tom Cruise is right up there with the old James Bond. Cruise, like Bond, can do something which may be unrealistic, but you don’t consider it unrealistic when watching it. He’s so in character!

    Movies mean so much to me and, I believe, to all of us. They provide us not only with entertainment, but communicate messages through their art. Mission Impossible sends the message to us all that we can do the impossible. Who does not want to believe that? It’s the American dream! - It’s a human being’s dream! Movies like this inspire! They inspire us to go for it, whether in love, work, health or any other challenge. They also remind us that we all have the spirit of play in us all!

    Thank you for allowing me to communicate my message here.

  • Reuben Agboola

    Oh, and in the second to last photo?….That’s Freddy Mercury.


  • Reuben Agboola

    Tom Cruise looks like he’s auditioning for the role of Commissioner Gordon in the later photos…


    Reboot I think.

  • fullmetal_medji

    So who’s directing this movie?

  • Steven

    “Apparently filming has begun on the new Mission Impossible reboot…”

    Wait, is it a reboot or a sequel? A reboot would be strange, considering they have the same lead actor.

    • Rodney

      They keep calling it a reboot, but it seems to be a bastard child of a retcon, reboot and an egg donor of a sequel.

      They have been almost deliberately unclear on this.

      Same cast, same lead, same characters, different title, apparently unrelated story.

      Who knows.