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August 22, 2010

Fantastic Four Reboot Casting Rumors

— Posted by Francisco

It’s been months since we last received some news about the new Fantastic Four movie. Last we heard, the movie was given the title of Fantastic Four Reborn. As it turns out, this title is actually false. But, word that casting considerations have begun is…wait for it…true. So who could become the new Fantastic Four?

CinemaBlend states:

ScreenRant is reporting that the production is looking at either Adrien Brody or Jonathan Rhys Meyers for the role of Mr. Fantastic and a title has not yet been determined, according to an unnamed source. There have also been rumors stirred up that Alice Eve could be in the running for the role of Sue Storm, according to Comic Book Movie. Whoever is selected for the roles, they will be replacing Ioan Gruffudd and Jessica Alba as the couple at the head of the team.

If this rumor is true, getting one of these actors for this role, is already an upgrade. Both Brody and Rhys Meyers are great, talented actors (especially in dramatic roles). As for Eve being considered for Sue Storm, this also would seem like an upgrade. But, since I have not seen enough of Eve’s acting work, I’ll reserve judgment for later. She definitely looks the part. We’ll see…

Who would you pick? Or did you had someone else in mind for these roles? Who?

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14 thoughts on “Fantastic Four Reboot Casting Rumors

  1. Daniel Craig is in his early forties, he’s athletic, he plays a really good bad guy, and he has a British accent. He’s perfect for Doom. Travolta is too old and a little bit on the chubby side to be in comic book action films. In my opinion.

  2. Ioan Gruffudd was painful to sit thru as he attempted to pull Reed off.
    Didn’t work for me.

    Sue was a waste.
    Jhonny and Ben were the only bright spot.

    Dont get me started on Nip/Tuck/Doom. that was just a horrible job.

    I welcome the changes!

  3. One thing I forgot was director which is also an important part of this process. So, who should direct this much needed remake of the Fantastic Four? I’ve narrowed it down to three big time directors:

    James Cameron - He’s probably got too much to do to consider directing yet another super hero movie, but he’d be the ultimate choice. His ability to blend Sci-Fi, and fantasy plus include human elements into his films would make a great Fantastic Four movie.

    J.J. Abrams - Two words: Star Trek. He did an excellent job with this franchise. He took a very delicate situation, and made one of the best movie in the Star Trek franchise. I don’t want to say he made it look easy but imagine the pressure he was under to do a good job, and he delivered a masterpiece.

    Lastly but not leastly my final choice for director of the new Fantastic Four movie is, McG. Terminator Salvation was an unexpected gem. What more can I say another director, like J.J. Abrams, with limited movie making experience, takes an already successful franchise and revamps it while at the same time remains faithful to the characters and the history, turning in an amazing piece of art in the end. He would do the same with the F.F. franchise I think.

    I know movies and I know comic books, if that’s something exceptional, I don’t know. The F.F. franchise deserves to be treated better than the way it was. I think I’ve made some sound choices in my first and second post. You can disagree, it’s just my opinion.

    • Okay. I will disagree with you if you want.

      Let’s start with The Thing. Since they want the character to be motion capture/CGI, we could give him the voice of James Gandolfini .

      I’d choose Christopher Lambert as Doctor Doom, or maybe Antonio Banadas. I want a guy with the foerign accent.

      In a perefct world I’d want Russell Crowe, Richard Gere or John Travolta considered as Reed Richards. If they got Travolta, I’d want them to get his wife, actress Kelly Preston as Sue. That’s not a joke. I would want a rebooted FF to SKIP the origin story as much as possiblr and just have them “seasoned”. If they can’t get Travolta and Preston, then give me Chuck’s Yvonne Strahovski.

      That leaves, for me, Owen Wilson as John Storm.

      As for a director?

      It all depends on which way FOX and Marvel wants to go. See, really, the casting is a moot point If the “plan” is to make the Fantastic Four the disfunctional superhero family and to change the script on a whim (not unlike the past two pictures) then we are more than likely to run into the same problems.

      I’ll make a bet here, and I don’t want to play Vegas, but…I got this funny feeling that the director of Predators (Nimrod Avatal) will ask for it and everyone but Fox is happy. In turn, they will turn to one of the contenders for the 2005 film- Peyton Reed, Raja Gosnell, oe Sean Astin.

      • John Travolta? Preston? WOW.

        Owen Wilson too? Different Strokes I guess.

        Look I thought the FF(1) should have been better….WAAAAAAAY Better. Tim Story was the wrong guy for the gig(in retrospect).THAT SAID, the cast should of provided more jolt on screen, the only thing that clicked was Ben and Johnny’s little feud’s. for the most part the effects were crappy and wrongly placed. the Strech scenes with Mr. Fantastic were Smallville quality and took you out of the movie completely. Dr. Doom was a pussy! with NO ACCENT? WTF?//Part 2 was largely better than the fist one was, thanks to the Surfer’s scenes with Torch, and later when they took out the CGI and left it with just make-up. it was awesome to finally see my Favorite Marvel Character finally get some justice (even though they killed it with Fishbournes voice). part 2 was a quick movie and had some good spots, and finally we saw some chemistry between the 2 lead roles.(although briefly) Dr. Doom was still laughable though. and dont get me started on Galactus! Part 2 still is a better product than say…..Ghost Rider or DareDevil even and shouldn’t be remembered as a piece of shit(like Elecktra!)but sadly it wasnt enough to sustain true greatness or even goodness. Surfers scenes were a treat for me though and the final scene were he lifts his arms and uses his power cosmic to warn away Galactus was (to me) worth the price of admission alone.

        now what was I replying to again?

      • Wow! darren j seeley, your cast is way too old! John Travolta as Reed Richard? John Travolta is almost sixty. Reed Richard in the F.F. comic book is only in his late 30′s early 40′s. I do like your choice of James Gandolfini as the voice of the Thing, but he couldn’t play Ben Grimm, too fat. Remember Ben Grimm was a football star in college. Antonio Banderas as Victor Von Doom?! Absolutely not! Unless this is the Latin soap opera version of the F.F. I wouldn’t be able to watch Antonio without thinking of the animated caT from the Shrek movies. You don’t think Daniel Craig could do a good eastern European accent?

        No Disrespect, I just hated the first two F.F. movies. I would hate to see them make the same mistakes in this reboot.

        We could chalk all this up to a difference in opinion, but have you actually read the F.F. comic book?

      • I thought Predators was a step back, That movie got stupid around 30 min in! and worse as it went on. Brody was the only “good” thing in that.

        Fishbourne was laughable/forgetable in this too.

        That movie made Predator 2 look good!(not a compliment)

        too late now, but Clooney and his gray hairs woulda been perfect for Reed.

  4. I don’t know, Adrien Brody and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, both who I like, seem very wrong to me, for the role of Reed Richards. I’m not sure FOX should be handling this F.F movie since they got the first and second F.F. movies so horribly wrong. Jessica Alba as Sue Storm??? Are you nuts??? Who’s the guy who played Reed Richards?? Does anybody know? He sucked whoever he was. I didn’t even like Chris Evans as Johnny. And I like Chris Evans. I’m looking forward to seeing him as Captain America. The only thing I thought worked in the two FOX Fantastic Four movies was Larry Fishburne as the voice of the Silver Surfer. Here’s how the new Fantastic Four should be cast:
    Matthew Fox - Reed Richards
    Elizabeth Banks - Susan Storm
    Daniel Craig - Victor Von Doom
    Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Ben Grimm
    Ryan Gosling - Johnny Storm

    Any questions?

  5. An upgrade you say…? They may be fine actors, and even Brody surprised me in Predators, but “an upgrade”on the role of Reed? I’m not so sure about that. Besides…I would put no stock what-so-ever in ANY casting news in Fantastic Four Reborn until a director is signed on to the project.

  6. If I were just going to judge from the photos you chose I would say Adrien Brody.

    But if I were going to nominate someone, it would have to be Johnny Depp for every role.

  7. besides the obvious of needing a good story…what they need this time around as opposed to the last two is a better villain(s) and a better Sue Storm

    not that I had a problem with the actor for Dr. Doom, but the character was just not Dr. Doom in anyway. I understand the need to adapt a character like that for the big screen no doubt. But it was Dr. Doom in name only.

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