Fan Expo 2010 Report - TMB Uncut Podcast

This is the final FanExpo report I have to offer and I decided to do it as a podcast to share my experiences.

In this episode you will hear me sharing about the people we met, fun things we saw as well as a mini rant about inconsiderate celebrities and which ones were really nice to us. I get a bit heated.

We also address the mess that was the overcrowding of Fan Expo and the people who were locked out. While I agree the situation sucked, I dont put the hate on the organizers and I explain why next year will be different.

Lastly, we talk about a new feature coming up here at The Movie Blog. The Movie Blog Community

Or if you prefer the Audio Edition Uncut, you can stream this episode by Clicking Here or right click that link and “.. Save target as” to download it to your favourite music player.

Some of the links I share in the podcast:
Least I Could Do
Looking for Group
Plastik Wrap

And of course a special thanks to the good people at Propworx who supplied us with some Stargate memorabilia straight from the set to show off and share with the Fan Expo patrons.

Check out some of the pictures of the booth and our contribution to this year’s Fan Expo 2010 in Toronto Ontario Canada!

The Booth

The Expo Floor. If you look behind the giant Alien Booth by Fox you will see ours

There we are!

Booth babes are a must. Meet Mindy.

TMB Writer Dan took his try at carrying the Captain America Shield. He says its pretty heavy.

So goodbye Fan Expo 2010. See you next year!

About Rodney

who has written 8882 posts on The Movie Blog

  • mandroid51

    The Fanexpo is how I came to know of the - good job handing out all those fliers and giving info to newbies like myself :)

    • Great to have you here!

  • Matt

    Regarding the north side location this year, it was also bad waiting outside. People were smoking in line and volunteers had to make us move together to keep people off the road. Myself and my brother had smoke blowing in our faces and my brother got ash in his eye. I will say I am happy with how Hobby Star seems to be handling this after the fact. I send a few emails at the con for various reasons and not only did they reply to me, they’ve asked for my phone number to contact me for further feedback.

    On Marvel and DC booths this year, I completely disagree. They dropped the ball this year. DC gave away reprint comics of the actual comics they gave out last year. Marvel gave out the same boring freebies available at any comic book shop. Marvel severely lacked promoting Stan Lee. They both need to step up and do some good stuff.

    Rogers gave some things away, not very much. Fringe comics, pins, rogers bag. And yes rogers should not be there, but Zellers and HMV are there so booths like Nintendo, Fox, WB, etc can say the products they are promoting can be purchased at HMV and Zellers booths.

    BTW, great site you guys have. Found out through your booth, but I didn’t really think you guys needed a booth. Just walk around and pass out postcards or place they on empty tables.

    • A note on Marvel not promoting Stan Lee. Despite Mr Lee’s contributions to Marvel, Stan has not been a part of Marvel comics for some time and they might be a little shy to even mention his name after the legal struggles presented by Stan Lee’s departure. In ’07 Stan Lee Media (his own publishing house) sued Marvel Comics for 5billion dollars claiming intellectual property rights to the characters Stan Lee created.

      So yeah, Marvel not promoting Stan? Understandable.

      Thanks for coming by and seeing our booth.

  • Justin

    Just a couple things: Tahmoh Penikett hasn’t been to the show before, and Stan Lee was there Saturday and Sunday.

  • MadClawMann

    Like the fact you call out the A-Hole Celebs

  • Justin

    Thanks for mentioning Gaming second.