Dwayne Johnson joins Journey to the Center of the Earth Sequel

Journey to the Center of the Earth did rake in $250million world wide and showed a profit, so that of course means they have to make a sequel. But Brendan Fraser was not available, so they went with Dwayne Johnson instead!

The Flick Cast says:

Brendan Fraser will not be returning to the Journey to the Center of the Earth franchise, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Fraser dropped out due to scheduling conflicts, so the torch will now be passed to Dwayne Johnson for the next installment of the adventure series, entitled Journey 2: The Mysterious Island.

I didn’t mind Journey to the Center of the Earth, and I thought it was a good step for Brendan Fraser to solidify him in these family friendly roles. Then he went and did Furry Vengeance.

So now it looks like the latest family friendly champion Dwayne Johnson will step in to the sequel based on Jules Verne’s classic The Mysterious Island.

Johnson is not playing Brendon Fraser’s role however. This will be a new adventure with Josh Hutcherson playing an aspiring adventurer. Johnson will play his mother’s boyfriend.

  • Anti-Septic

    Well I liked the movie starring Brendon Frasier but Dwayne Johnson has grown on me so I’ll probably see it.

  • http://www.pharfruminsain.com/movies ThePeter

    Was the first one better than that Will Ferrel copycat movie?

    • 420BAND

      Land of the Lost had simularities but is in no way a “copy” of this film…………This one was worse!

      Sorry, I just have a soft spot for the original “Journey”

      I like the Rock though.

      • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

        He hasnt been “The Rock” for a long time. Its like calling Sean Connery “James Bond” That isn’t who he is.

        And Land of the Lost was an adaptation of the TV show of the same name.

      • Ty

        @ Rodney

        I have to disagree with you, or maybe you should find a different analogy. If there were other wrestlers named The Rock, then your response would make sense. But Dwayne Johnson will always be The Rock to many people - despite his focus being acting. It may not be “who he is” in terms of the name being associated solely as his wrestling persona, no of course not, but it’s the name we associate with the FACE.

        As for this film, THE ROCK has been doing pretty well this the fam films so I should check out the original then this.

      • Ty

        As for this… THE ROCK has been doing pretty well these fam films as of late. I haven’t seen the original, but I’ll have to go see it so I can check this out.**

        I felt my response was grossly inadequate, and with horrible grammar too! Consider it fix’d.

      • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

        Disagree if you want. He hasn’t called himself The Rock since he left wrestling, and the persona of The Rock was a role he played for that franchise.

        Its a perfect analogy. No one else played Luke Skywalker, but no one calls Hammil “Luke” do they?

        He isn’t The Rock, and hasn’t been for a very long time.

      • Ty

        @ Rodney

        With the minor exception of his interview in January with Sports Illustrated talking about how he’d like to host WWE RAW and possibly even wrestle in it?

        And your Luke Skywalker analogy makes a LOT more sense, but coming into the James Bond franchise when Pierce Brosnan was 007 (I was barely 11 when I started watching), I always thought of HIM as James Bond and not Sean Connery (I know the difference now, being older).

      • http://www.judymoodymovie.com Rodney

        Just like Saturday Night Live stars moving on to other careers and eventually returning to host it, Dwayne Johnson may very well make an appearance in the WWE again to reprise his role.

        Its still a role, and not his name.