Disney Nabs Monster Witness Relocation Program - For Jaden Smith?

It appears that the effects of the new Karate Kid are being felt now. Apparently, Disney wants to go into business with Will Smith’s son. Yup, the Karate Kid himself, Jaden Smith, has a potential new gig here.

IGN reports:

According to Deadline, Disney has bought the pitch for Monster Witness Relocation Program from scribes Ahmet (son of Frank) Zappa and Michael Wilson. No plot synopsis was given, but the title seems pretty self-explanatory.

Deadline adds that Monster Witness Relocation Program “will be developed as a potential star vehicle for Karate Kid star Jaden Smith, but that hasn’t solidified yet.”

Zappa’s shingle Monsterfoot Productions will also produce the film with Overbrook Entertainment, the production company run by Jaden’s dad, superstar Will Smith.

I can understand why Disney would jump at this quickly. Jaden is going to become a force to be reckon with. Why? Well, his dad is Will Smith; that already helps, don’t you think? And, the little guy has charisma and with each film, will polish a pretty good acting talent. Surround him with a great team, like his dad has, and you’ve got a star in the making. I won’t spill on the movie, because we’ve got no info on it yet.

If you were Disney would you go after this? Would you setup and work with Jaden? Would you want Will Smith to be your daddie?

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