Director Talks How Captain America Links To Thor & Avengers

Director Joe Johnston has offered a brief idea on how his Captain America film will tie into other Marvel movies, like Thor and The Avengers. Although he doesn’t go into details, we at least get some perspective on his tease.

IGN reports:

“There are links between all the Marvel films, mostly ones that only the fans will pick up on,” the helmer told CBM. “We have several subtle references to certain elements in Thor, but since Captain America is a period picture taking place in the ’40s, there are fewer opportunities for contemporary links to the rest of the Marvel universe. We can, however, create events in our story that will be paid off in Avengers and other Marvel pictures.”

Geek Tease! That’s about it. It’s totally understandable that since Caps is set in the ’40s, well there isn’t too much they can tease about regarding other superheroes like Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, etc. What they can do, like he states, is touch on events or elements, that will get paid off in these other superhero movies. I’m really excited about Caps. Can’t wait for it. Can we at least get Evans with the suit on? Some footage?! C’mon!

What do you think of this tease? You ok with this idea? What events would you like referenced later on in Thor and Avengers?

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