David Goyer’s Sci-Fi Trilogy Picked Up By Warner Bros.

Writer/Director David Goyer has had a long and fruitful relationship with Warner Bros. He’s currently involved with The Dark Knight’s sequel and Superman: Man of Steel. So it’s no surprise that the studio has just picked up the rights to Goyer’s Sci-Fi trilogy.

JoBlo reports:

In what Deadline’s calling a “seven-figure preemptive bid”, Warner Bros. has picked up the film rights to a planned trilogy of science fiction novels written by David Goyer (SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL, THE UNBORN) and television writer Michael Cassutt (“Beverly Hills, 90210”, “The Twilight Zone”). The deal calls for Goyer to adapt Heaven’s Shadow, the first of his three books which is due out sometime in July of 2011.

Per Deadline: “The trilogy begins when an object is discovered heading for earth. Initial panic gives way to a competition between governments to be first to intercept what they believe is a breakaway meteor. What the astronauts discover leads to an encounter with alien forces that are a threat to humanity.”

The next two books, Heaven’s War and Heaven’s Fall, will be released in subsequent summers.

Damn, another alien invasion/attacks Earth? Hopefully it’s not actually just that. Goyer seems to be by far, a better writer than a director. We can notice this, by his “always” involvement in big successful movies. Apparently Warner Bros. liked his trilogy idea, and picked it up right away. I like that the films will be done, and released in following summers. I’ve always loved that, as a fan of movies. Let’s hope Goyer has another trick up his sleeve. I’m definitely intrigued by what the novels are all about. Looks promising for now…

What do you think about this idea? Did Warner Bros. do the right thing? Will Goyer deliver something different to the “aliens attack” genre?

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