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April 30, 2010

Danny Trejo talks Expendables

— Posted by Rodney

Danny Trejo is apparently upset that he was excluded from The Expendables when early talks of the film suggested that he was firmly a part of the cast.

Well now he comes forward shooting his mouth off about why he thinks he wasn’t included.

WorstPreviews quotes:

“Let me tell you about ‘The Expendables’,” said Trejo. “Stallone said I was in ‘The Expendables’ so he could raise his money, you know what I mean? Because I bring in the Latin audience. So I was in ‘The Expendables’ all the way up until the time they started casting. I’m not in ‘The Expendables.’ That’s one of Hollywood’s ploys to… how do you say it? They have this huge cast, and then all of a sudden, when it comes time to cast, the people that actually raised the money aren’t in it.”

He was then asked if he feels like Stallone used him. “Of course. Come on, man. All them guys — supplements are making them nuts,” he replied.

Sounds more like angry talk when he takes personal jabs suggesting that “supplements are making them nuts”

While there might be a shred of truth that there was big talk of big cast, and name dropping lots of celebrities does help make the movie, but when it comes down to brass tacks, when the movie finally gets made - thats when we find out who they could afford, who fits the script, and all those other adjustments a final project gets.

They turfed 50Cent for Terry Crews (traded up for an ACTOR), and Whitaker had a scheduling conflict. That he didn’t include Trejo could have been for a dozen reasons, but I don’t think they name dropped him as being on the cast just to lure in a Latino audience.

He was name dropped because they likely wanted to use him in the first place. Or maybe this tantrum is an indicator of why they dropped him? Who knows.

But I assure you it wasn’t “the supplements”. Its just business.

Do you think Trejo would have made for a bigger draw? I don’t.

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  • CJM

    Some people like myself would have liked to have see Danny in this film.Would he have made it a better picture who knows? He couldn’t have hurt it. However that said,although he is entitled to his opinion,he should not have vented publically about not being in the movie. I just think he wanted to do it badly & his passion got the best of him. Nothing wrong with being passionate about one’s work…

  • tee

    no Van Damme! (showed everyone how he was in a dance scene in Breakdance the movie the other day). It is a crime in itself. This film is gonna be over the top, but could have been done like before Arnie got into government so I could bank on some hilarious one liners, cue’d by explosions. Really it should be him, Stallone, Van Damme and Willis as the focal point for the action, and not Statham, Austin, et al. Oh well. Like I said will enjoy it for what it is. Cannot wait!

  • TDot

    Hey, if I was in Heat I would have a huge ego too. Trejo needs to take it down a notch

  • Ken

    I mostly know Trejo from the spy kids, aside from that i don’t know much about him. I don’t believe he would have made a huge shift in the viewers.

  • Geno

    It does sound like “Machete” Trejo is a little bitter, but if I were him I dont’ think he should be mad anyways. Hell he is coming out in Predator this summer and also talks of his character “Machete” coming out in theaters in the future as well. I’m hispanic (but for some reason people always mistaken me for Hawaiin or Italian? Weird?) and I am a fan of Danny Trejo, but he needs to just let it go and move on.

  • darthjdar

    I have to wonder if this is what Stallone did to Van Damme. Did he try to get his named tagged to it, to raise money, and did it back fire when Stallone couldn’t tell him nothing about what his part would’ve been, except for “boom boom”.

  • darthjdar

    I am a big Trejo fan. To be honest, his fan base would see this movie with out any Trejo in it. They’ll see it even if they feel he got burned. But for me, Trejo would’ve made it extra fun.

  • 420BAND

    I’m part Hispanic (Argentine/Spanish)
    when I use the word “Latin” some latinos say I’m South American, so Who cares anyway.

    This guy is known cause of Robert Rodriguez(Mexican) aside from that, he wont make go see anything just cause he’s in it(actually it’s probally an indicator the movie is “B” material)

  • cloud720

    I have no idea who this guy is aside from the trailer in Grindhouse, but im not latin, so maybe that makes a difference. But I doubt it.

    • Jon

      He was in Desparado, From Dusk Til Dawn, XXX, and some other movies. His roles are never significantly big but I always remember him.

  • David Lopan

    I don’t. It sounds like bitterness for not being included. That’s just me though. I heard so many casting rumors before the actual movie was beginning to film that I’m not surprised more people in the final product were omitted.

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