Craig Would Do Bond 23

Bond 23 is indefinitely postponed due to studio MGM’s ongoing financial crisis. Daniel Craig, star of the last two Bond installments, Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, talked a little about the possibility of playing Mr. Bond once again in the future.

IGN reports:

“It’s out of my hands,” Craig told The Los Angeles Times. “I’m ready and willing, and if I get the call, I’ll be there.”

He added, “It is what it is. Unless MGM can sort themselves out, we can’t make a movie. It’s hard to talk about things that aren’t happening. There will be more to say when things are happening. I’m really keen to get going, it’s as simple as that. And I’m hoping that, in a while, we will.”

Although he said there’s “no chance of getting it made” until MGM’s problems are resolved, Craig said he’d “like to fulfill the circle with the story [established in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace].”

I hope MGM get’s to sort out their problems, because I’d like Craig to at least come back for one more. I want him to finish, at least, this Bond reboot arc started with the previous two. He’s definitely my favorite Bond. Anyways, we all know that Bond will come back to the big screen one way or another in the future. Let’s just hope it’s quick and with Craig, and not a decade away, with some other new guy.

Do you want Craig back as Bond? How long until we get Bond 23? What do you want Bond to tackle next?

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